#1. The Lucha Brothers vs. The Young Bucks

Originally, the main event was a match between Los Mercenarios (El Texano Jr. & Rey Escorpion) versus The Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Jr. & Fenix) for the AAA World Tag Team Championship. The victory was for The Lucha Brothers who got the pin fall after a Package Piledriver by Pentagon Jr. on El Texano Jr.
After this match, Konnan (who had already appeared before to send a warning to Cody Rhodes) reappeared and announced that The Lucha Brothers would have their first opponents as champions at that moment. There was a blackout and The Young Bucks appeared in the ring.
The Lucha Brothers attacked Konnan with a double Super Kick. The Young Bucks began to attack their rivals. The dominion was evidently of the newcomers since The Lucha Brothers had been very exhausted after the previous match. The match, although it didn’t last long, had great moments like the double Sharpshooter by The Young Bucks; the double Cutter by Fenix; the Tope Con Hilo by Fenix on Matt Jackson and the Package Piledriver by Pentagon Jr. on Nick Jackson.
The Young Bucks executed an incredible Meltzer Driver in ringside on Fenix, who couldn’t return to the ring. After a Super Kick by Matt Jackson on Pentagon Jr., Nick Jackson attacked him with a Springboard Dropkick and then performed a Tope Con Hilo on Fenix.
Finally, it was time for the final Meltzer Driver that was on Pentagon Jr. in the middle of the ring. Matt Jackson got the pinfall and gave the victory to him and his brother, who were crowned as new AAA World Tag Team Champions and ended the reign of The Lucha Brothers that didn’t last a single day.
It was a historic victory for The Young Bucks in Mexico, who have previously been Tag Team Champions in several American independent promotions as well as at ROH, NJPW and World Series of Wrestling (Australia).
As Cody Rhodes said during the show, the collaboration agreement between AEW and AAA won’t only be about seeing AAA superstars at AEW, but also about AEW superstars in Mexico at AAA.