#1 Worst: Segment reviews during commercials

This is really just a minor nitpick here. I'm not saying that bringing Don Callis in during commercials on Twitch is a terrible idea. Interacting with the fans is great, and seeing what Callis thinks of each segment is interesting.
The thing is, thanking each and every person for following, subscribing, or donating ended up cutting Callis off multiple times, and since each break is only three minutes long, you kind of need to allow whoever is featured each week to get their thoughts out quickly. Not to mention the technical difficulties that took place between all of these segments.
Sometimes these breaks feel completely pointless as well. One of them saw Callis and... whoever he was talking to, rate names of viewers. Not exactly what you'd call captivating.
That being said, one of the best things about using Twitch is interacting with those who love your product. It's a great way to get in touch with your fanbase, and this isn't the worst way to try that. They'll work out the kinks eventually, but at this point, it was just a little distracting...as was that painting of Callis in the background...but that could have earned its own "Best" slide.