#4 Best: Impact World Championship Match - Killer Kross vs Johnny Impact (c)

What a main event. Since the loss of Austin Aries, Killer Kross has really stepped up as the company's next top heel. Not many people seem as psychotic and dangerous as Kross does on the mic, and he's even more terrifying once he's beating down an opponent in the ring.
Kross had to chase Impact throughout the opening of the match, but once Moose caught Impact's ankle, it allowed the Devil of Monterrey (thanks Mr Callis) to really take over.
It was an uphill battle for the champion, who continued to have any shred of building momentum cut off by Killer Kross. Even after an Impact Kick, Kross managed to easily stop him dead in his tracks and get right back on top.
Kross went for the KrossJacket but would swap into a kneebar after Impact escaped. He eventually locked in the Kross Jacket, but Impact made it to the ropes. After nearly twenty minutes of being on the defensive, Impact finally took the big man down, playing all of his greatest hits, the sliding German Suplex, the springboard spear.
However, Kross would eventually put Impact in the Kross Jacket again. Before he could get the win, the match was broken up by Brian Cage, who took down both champion and challenger. All three men, along with Moose, began to brawl, but Impact and Cage would stand tall to close out the show.