1. Kazuchika Okada

"Oh, how the mighty have fallen."-Samuel 1:19, 1539; The Great Bible
A cliche no doubt but perfectly fitting the arc of Kazhuchika Okada. Ever since Dominion and the loss to Kenny Omega, it was as if a part of Okada's own soul got ripped from within his heart. The Rainmaker is no more, in his stead stands a red-haired, balloon popping pretender. If Okada is to fulfill his promises as the Ace of New Japan, then he must battle his demons one by one.
A trial by fire, Okada must follow his own road of penance much as Dante has done in The Divine Comedy. A resurrection awaits on the other end, don't expect Gedo both as a character and booker to make it easy for him. This is a long winding fruitful story. At the end of which the rainbow shall shine on Okada and he will find his pot of gold, his IWGP World Heavyweight Championship.
The first step is to burn out this disease that has infected CHAOS and threatens to overturn it into a horrifying beast. To slay this beast (not Brock Lesnar) Okada will need all the power he has within him and his friends, as well as break his own cracked ego. It is only then he will truly become the hero NJPW needs and deserves.