Bringing back Strong Style like A King!

Overall, with a distinctively different flavor as well as the chance of unexpected turns, the CHAOS civil war is fun compared to the stop-start Bullet Club version. The lead up to Wrestle Kingdom gives it an interesting dynamic. There's no doubt that Okada will take on Jay White, but Gedo could be as tempted to bring the peripherals of the story into it with a four-way main event.
Even if that doesn't happen and Okada does remain on the outside looking in at the main event in five years, he and White will undoubtedly tear each other apart in the semi-main event of the Tokyo Dome show. The question is what happens after?
Gedo isn't a man to just rush into his booking and allow even Okada the big vindicating win. It would kill any momentum that White has gathered in the past year. Okada losing could help elevate White's status and make not just Okada but others question their ability. His last three Dome opponents have been Naito, Omega and Tanahashi and this would be a huge deal.
A shocking prediction to make would be the continuation of this with a surprise element to make Okada's life even more miserable. If White's agenda to revive the chaos within CHAOS is clear, then why not bring the originator of this?
Yes, Shinsuke Nakamura will make his much-awaited return to New Japan and bring a force of CHAOS that could wash away the Rainmaker. YeahOh!!!