7. Beretta

Where Rocky Romero goes, Beretta is bound to follow. The former partner of Romero is now a heavyweight but still an integral cog in the CHAOS scene. Most importantly his turn to the heavyweights has seen him trade Romero for another partner in Best Friend Chuckie T.
This is an odd one because Beretta's push to heavyweight had been an emotional moment for Romero. It was so Trent could fulfill his dreams to succeed as a singles star. Yet when one looks at it, Beretta is back where he was a few years ago, just with some added pounds. It doesn't help his cause.
Weirdly enough, before New Japan came calling for the formation of the Best Friends, the tag team between Chuckie and Trent had gone through its own rough patch. In PWG, Chuckie violently turned on his partner resulting in a heated rivalry for just a short month or so. It's disappointing as Beretta has stellar babyface fire and Chuckie showed some incredible viciousness as a heel. Hopefully, New Japan can see this too.
Beretta is taken down once again by Chuckie T and returns with heroic fire as a part of the Rainmaker's CHAOS!