Me: LAX are wrestling all over the world, they wrestled the Mack and Killshot in the Lucha Underground show and there was the Jody Fleisch and Jonny Storm match at Wrestling MediaCon in the UK. As a result, you're sort-of being pushed up there with some of the best tag-teams in the world. Do you guys think that is justified, do you think you are one of the best tag-teams in the world?

Ortiz: 100%. We've been putting in the work. Santana and I are seven years as a tag-team, three years separately, we're both about ten years in, if not eleven. We've put in the work and that's a testament to our mentors. As much as I have an issue with Homicide right now we got probably trained by some of the best people.
We've done a million seminars, we've wrestled, like you said, lots of the top tag teams in the world and that experience as well has been really good. We consider ourselves hybrid wrestlers, we can do comedy, we can do lucha, we can do strong-style. We try to show that every time we go out.
Yeah, 100% I would have to agree with you, that's our goal. We have a hashtag when we need it which is 'we're on a quest to be the best'. We want to be considered when it is all said and done, forget about championships, forget about making a million dollars, which I do want to make, it's for 20 years from now for someone to go back and say 'oh man those LAX boys they were something else' and hopefully we'll still be doing this twenty years from now if our bodies hold out.
We've got the Young Bucks coming up soon, who a lot of people do consider to be one of the best tag-teams, on the Jericho Cruise. You're going to find out, we're trying to take their spot, we're coming for their spot!
Me: Homicide do you agree?
Homicide: I agree that Homicide and Hernandez are the best in the world. We were the first Latino NWA Tag Team Champions, we beat Hall of Famers. If you go to the App we beat Team 3D, we beat your favourite wrestlers AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels. The list goes on and on and on, we beat the best and will continue to beat your favourite wrestlers, that's our game, that's our motto!
Ortiz: I'm just going to throw it out there we also beat Team 3D and we beat the Hardy Boyz in the same night, just throwing it out there.
Homicide: And it wasn't actually on tv so stop it kid!