#1. El Phantasmo vs. A-Kid vs. Cem Kaplan vs. Angelico

The final of the GWF Light Heavyweight World Cup 2019 consisted of a Fatal Four Way Elimination Match between the four winners of the first round. El Phantasmo (Canada) qualified for the final after eliminating Jonny Storm (England) in the first round. A-Kid (Spain) qualified for the final after eliminating Justin Wylde (Hungary). Cem Kaplan qualified for the final after eliminating Lucky Kid (Germany). And finally, Angelico qualified for the final after eliminating Matt Cross (USA).
The start of the match was really exciting with high intensity and numerous Superkicks. The first great moment of the match was created by El Phantasmo. The Canadian rope walked around the ring and executed a Springboard Hurricanrana. A-Kid answered with a perfectly timed Moonsault from the top of the corner to the other three opponents who were by ringside.
After a lot of action at ringside, the four wrestlers got back inside the ring. The Phantasmo was close to being eliminated after a Spanish Fly by A-Kid. Then, A-Kid applied a Crossface on Kaplan, but El Phantasmo surprised and quickly eliminated A-Kid after performing a Pile Driver.
Kaplan came close to eliminating El Phantasmo but was later attacked by Angelico. After an oversight by Kaplan, El Phantasmo surprised the Turkish wrestler with a superPinfalln fall and elimination as only Phantasmo and Angelico remained.
The final stretch of the match was full of chops, Superkicks and other maneuvers that wore them down to equal measure. Angelico began to dominate after delivering a Turnbuckle Powerbomb. It was an almost certain win but Phantasmo somehow escaped by putting his foot over the bottom rope.
Angelico tried to take flight from the top of the corner, but Phantasmo intercepted him with a Superkick followed by a Frog Splash. Phantasmo got the three count and was crowned champion of the second edition of the GWF Light Heavyweight World Cup defeating former champion Angelico.