#9 Allie goes to the undead realm

I thought this was going to be a pre-recorded thing just like 'Ultimate Deletion' or WWE's 'House of Horror' match with Bray Wyatt, but I was not prepared for how nuts Allie going to the undead realm would be.
Allie entered the undead realm through the coffin and met Father James Mitchell who told her the rules. She wasted no time in actually hatcheting undead bridesmaids to death, complete with blood spatter and everything.
Allie touched her souls hand despite being told not to before finding Kiera Hogan, however, she's attacked by Su Yung who stalks her and even managed to Mandible Claw Allie to unconsciousness. However, Allie buried an axe in Su Yung's neck before the Undead Bride could kill her. (I know it's insane)
Allie and Hogan try to leave but are trapped, with the undead slowly surrounding them. Things look bad but the pair is then amazingly saved by Rosemary who holds off the horde allowing Allie and Hogan back into the realm of the living.