Willie Mack vs Sami Callihan
During the break, Rich Swann is escorted to the back as we begin the match between Willie Mack and Sami Callihan. Both men start the match off with a full head of steam. Callihan and Mack go down, with both men exchanging blows. Willie Mack hits the Spinning Forearm, before being caught outside the ring in between the ring apron by Callihan. Willie fights out of it and hits a Uranage Slam on the apron, laying Callihan out hard. Both men exchange blows, as Callihan bounces Willie Mack off the steel steps. Both men fight their way up to the stage entrance, exchanging lefts and rights as Callihan rakes at the eyes. Callihan connects with a vicious Piledriver on the rampway. Callihan heads back to the ring and wants to win this one by a cheap count out. Willie Mack struggles but makes his way back into the ring before the count of ten.
Both men exchange rights and lefts as Willie Mack hits a few good uppercuts. Willie Mack with the spinning discus elbow off the ropes before hitting a running bicycle kick to the corner on Callihan, sending him down to the lower turnbuckle. Callihan gets up and catches him with the right hand, but Willie counters with the Samoan Drop into the kip-up and Standing Moonsault for the near fall.
Armlock into the Lariat Clothesline by Callihan for the two-count. Willie Mack catches Callihan off the ropes with the Sky High Spinebuster Slam for a near fall. Callihan catches Mack off the ropes and Powerbombs him off the ropes into a Running Knee to the face for a two count. Great back and forth action here between both wrestlers. Mack hits a Pop Up Forearm that sends Callihan into the lower turnbuckle and connects with a Somersault. Mack goes for the Stunner but gets countered, after a series of reversals we go into a pinfall reversal series for two counts by both men. This continues until Mack is able to finally get a counter in on Callihan and get the pinfall victory.
Winner: Willie Mack
L.A.X. Segment
We see the L.A.X. celebrate their tag title victory from Impact: Homecoming. Santana and Angel tell Konnan they kept their word, as Konnan says that he was concerned but the match was historic and off the chain, telling them how proud he is of his boys.
Scarlett Bourdeux is shown getting ready as we cut a commercial break.