Impact Wrestling Results: December 6th, 2018

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We open up Impact Wrestling with an opening package showing highlights from last week’s broadcast, including Tommy Dreamer vs Eli Drake, Eddie Edwards locked in an Insane Asylum at Shady Acres and Gail Kim’s return!


We kick things off with Jake Crist from oVe versus Willie Mack in an Ultimate X Qualifier Match.


Ultimate X Qualifier Match - Jake Crist vs Willie Mack

Jake Crist gets taken down with a shoulder tackle by Willie Mack, followed up by a big dropkick by Mack. Mack takes control with a series of right hands. Crist goes for a diving cross body from the top, but it's countered into a Samoan Drop, then a Standing Moonsault by Mack for a near fall. Mack attempts an outside dive on Crist, but he catches him at the middle rope with a Super Kick, then a running dropkick off the apron. Crist sends Mack back into the ring, as Crist goes for the cover for a two count.


Crist applies a rear naked chin lock. Mack fights out of the hold, but Crist counters with a huge boot to the face for the two count. Willie Mack fight back with a huge lariat, then a rolling uppercut, followed by a hard scoop slam and big leg drop sequence. Mack catches Crist, tosses him in the air and pops him with a huge forearm shot. Mack connects with the Codebreaker from the middle rope for the near fall.


Crist catches Mack on the top rope and attempts the Superplex, but gets countered into a Sunset Flip Powerbomb. Crist pops up and hits a Super Kick, then a Roundhouse Kick, followed by the German Suplex pin attempt for a two count, all in one beautiful series of moves.

Mack catches Crist with the Exploder Suplex in the corner for the two count. Mack please Crist in the tree of woe in the corner, then climbs up on the opposite turnbuckle. Interference by oVe members causes Crist to recover and catch Mack on the top rope. Jake Crist connects with a Super Cutter from the top rope to get the cover and pin fall victory.


Winner: Jake Crist

Backstage, we see Su Yung and “Dark” Allie backstage, as Allie is prepared to head out to the ring next as we head to commercial break.


Tessa Blanchard and Moose Segment


Tessa Blanchard cuts a promo on Taya, saying she doesn’t have what it takes and is too dependent on her husband (Johnny IMPACT). Tessa says she has "Mr. Impact Wrestling" (Moose) in her corner. Moose says he will give Tessa the world, but will start by giving her a big victory tonight. He says both Johnny Impact and Taya will find out first hand why he is a legend.

Josh Matthews and Don Callis hype up the main event tonight between Johnny Impact and Taya Valkyrie vs Moose and Tessa Blanchard


Singles Match - Allie (w/ Su Yung) vs Heather Monroe

Heather Monroe connects with a flurry of forearm shots and a running back elbow into the corner, then a Spinning Roundhouse Kick to get the two count. Allie fights back with a well-delivered Back Stabber, followed by a series of mounting punches. Both Knockouts exchange blows, as Allie chokes out Monroe in the corner with her foot, followed by a knife edge chop. Allie hits a snap suplex into the corner and gets a two count. Allie counters a front kick into a slam and a seated senton for the two count. Allie connects with the Running Super Kick off the ropes for yet another near fall. Allie taunts Monroe before hitting the Codebreaker on her to get the cover and pin fall victory.


Winner: Allie

After the match, Su Yung hands Allie that disgusting glove used to apply the Mandible Claw. Allie positions herself and applies the Mandible Claw on Heather Monroe, sending a message to her and the rest of the Knockouts Division. Kiera Hogan runs out and takes out Su Yung. She breaks up the hold and tries to talk sense into Allie, but Allie wants no part of it and drops her with a forearm. Both Su Yung and Allie double team Kiera, as Allie drops Kiera with the Codebreaker. We then head to a commercial break.


Willie Mack and Rich Swann Segment

An angry Willie Mack vents to his friend Rich Swann over the loss to Jake Crist and the interference by oVe. Rich calms Mack down, talking about how crazy and maniacal they are, but to let cooler heads prevail. Rich has a match with them next week, as Willie Mack says he will be there for him.

“Tag Match” - The Desi Hit Squad vs Damien Hyde and Manny Lemons


Raj and Damien kick things off, as Raj throws him around before Damien tags in to Manny. Raj no sells a few right hands then shoulder tackles Manny. Damien Hyde comes in and gets dropped with a Neckbreaker. Double team move by Rohit and Raj on Damien, with the Wheelbarrow Facebuster/Double-Knee Stomp combination. They stomp down Damien in the corner, as Raj comes back in as the legal man. Rohit takes Damien down with a front leg kick then running a knee lift. Manny Lemons come in and gets taken down with a series of doubt team moves into the corner. The Desi Hit Squad hit a combination Jumping Knee Lift/Samoan Drop combo to get the pinfall victory.


Winners: The Desi Hit Squad

Ethan Page and Matt Sydal Segment:

Sydal tells Page that you can only find out who you when you are ready to open your heart and mind, because the Ultimate X match is on the line tonight. Page tells Sydal he better get ready for their match, as we cut to commercial break.

Katarina Segment


She tells Mackenzie Mitchell that Jordynne Grace got lucky with another victory. She introduces the fans to a new friend and newest Impact Wrestling Knoockout: Ruby Raze! Her new friend and Jordynne’s worst nightmare.

We see a GWN Flashback Moment of the Week featuring Chris Sabin’s cash-in for “Option C” to face then champion Bully Ray from 2013’s “Destination X”, which concluded with Chris Sabin capturing the title from Bully Ray.


Eli Drake Segment:

Eli hands McKenzie a document that says he is invited to Impact: Homecoming with two tickets to “Monster’s Ball”, by Impact Wrestling Hall of Famer, Abyss. Eli says Abyss is angry and that he can’t get over the lawsuit. He says he will get rid of Abyss at Impact: Homecoming the same way he got rid of Joseph Park. We then cut to a commercial break.


The Rasicalz and Scarlet Bourdeux


In a "That 70's Show" style segment, The Rasicalz are joined by Scarlett Bourdeux as she proceeds to flirt with them, then disappears in a cloud of smoke.

"Ultimate X Match Qualifier" - Ethan Page vs Matt Sydal

Matt Sydal and Ethan Page exchange a series of reversals to start things off. Ethan takes Sydal down with a side headlock, until Sydal counters out of it. Ethan applies another headlock takedown into the leg scissors which leads into a cover and a two count. Sydal taunts Page, trying to play mind games with his prodigy. A series of kicks and knife edge chops connect by Sydal. Page counters with a thunderous knife edge chop in the corner, followed by a big right hand. Page catches Sydal off the top rope, he attempts an Oklahoma Powerslam but the move is countered into a Split-Legged Reverse DDT by Sydal for the two count.


Page with a series of right hands, but is met with a big Spinning Back Kick to the jaw from Sydal. With Page down on the mat, Sydal connects with a series of front kicks to the spine of Page. As the two exchange blows in the corner, Sydal pops Page in the jaw with a Jumping Knee Lift that leads into a cover for a two count. A springboard splash is countered into a Side Backbreaker by Page. After a series of right hands by Page, catches Sydal with a back elbow out of the corner, then a big boot to the face for the cover and a near fall.


Sydal with a front kick to the leg and knee area, then connects with a Tilt-A-Whirl Reverse DDT on Page. Sydal catches Page with a boot to the face, sending Page to the apron. Page catches Sydal and drops him with a cutter off the apron to the arena floor as we head to a commercial break.

We come back from break with both Sydal and Page exchanging knife edge chops. Then we see both men exchange claws as their “third eyes” are now open. This leads into a head scissors out of the corner by Sydal, but Page quickly regains the advantage. After a counter in the corner, a head scissors by Sydal into a cover for a two count. Page hits a Swanton Bomb off the top rope for a two count, then after a series of reversal pin attempts, Page keeps Sydal down to get the three count.


Winner: Ethan Page

Both men shake hands after the match, as Sydal congratulates Page on his victory.

Eddie Edwards (Shady Acres) Segment:

We see Eddie Edwards playing a game of chess with none other than Impact Wrestling Alumni and ECW Legend, Raven. Edwards tosses the chess board off the table and lets out his frustrations on Raven. Raven says it’s not too bad in here, talks about his past rivalries with Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman from ECW. Raven distracts one of the doctors and steals his keycard, then hands it off to Eddie Edwards. Eddie walks out of the room, saying he knows exactly where he wants to go as we head to another commercial break.


The Lucha Bros/LAX Segment


Both teams welcome each other with high fives and respect. Konnan sums it up for both teams and says both teams have a temperament and wants both teams to have no problems out there in the ring at Impact:Homecoming. Both sides agree, and want to have the best match possible between both teams. Konnan hypes up the match, as Pentagon taunts Angel and this causes a breakout into a big scuffle. Konnan storms off, screaming this is the very thing he didn’t want to see happen.


Josh Matthews and Don Callis hype up Impact: Homecoming, including the match between Abyss and Eli Drake is now confirmed to take place as a “Monster’s Ball Match”.

Eli Drake vs Abyss is confirmed for Impact:Homecoming
Eli Drake vs Abyss is confirmed for Impact

Johnny Impact and Taya Valkyrie Segment:


Johnny discusses he’s been preparing for Brian Cage at Impact: Homecoming and says he owes Moose a trip to slam town for a long time. He says tonight is a special night that he teams up with his wife for the first time (on Impact). Taya chimes in that Tess has taken a series of shortcuts and she will get a little taste of what’s to come at Impact:Homecoming. We then cut to a commercial break as our main event will be coming up next.


“Mixed Tag Team Match” Johnny Impact and Taya Valkyrie vs Moose and Tessa Blanchard


We kick things off with Johnny Impact and Moose. A series of arm drag takedowns into a dropkick by Johnny Impact. Tessa tags herself in, as Taya comes in. A series of counters lead into a some front kicks by Taya, then an arm drag takedown. Back below into the corner followed by a Roundhouse Kick in the corner on Tessa. Snapmare into a back kick, sends Tessa rolling out to the floor. Moose goes after Taya but gets met with a Springboard Kick by Johnny Impact. Moose exits the ring. Johnny hits the Corkscrew Plancha on Moose. With all four wrestlers on the floor, Johnny and Taya sling Moose and Tessa into the steel railing then back into the ring. When they reenter the ring, both Taya and Johnny are sent back out to the arena floor hard as we go to a commercial break.


We come back from commercial break Tessa hammers away at Taya, as she proceeds to choke her out in the middle ropes and connects with the running knee lift, covering Taya for the two count. She tags Moose in, as Johnny Impact comes in as well. Moose delivers a cheap shot to Johnny Impact before tagging Tessa back in, making her and Taya the legal participants. Tessa proceeds to kick away at Taya, then apply an reverse armlock/hair pull combination. Tessa with the hammerlock armbar, as she tosses Taya into the corner. She misses the running shoulder tackle as Taya makes the tag in to Johnny Impact.


Johnny comes in and hits the flying forearm, then a series of right hands and snap leg lariat taking Moose down. Then a Running Knee Lift to the face followed by the Standing Shooting Star Press for the two count. Johnny signals for the Starship Pain, as Moose counters with the Pump Kick. Johnny hits a Diving Hurricanrana. Moose pops back up, counters the Hurricanrana into a Power Bomb, then a Seated Senton for the cover and a two count.


Moose calls for the Spear. Johnny counters and hits the Super Kick on Moose. He hits the Roll Thru for the cover and the two count. Tessa gets the blind tag, as Taya comes in. Taya takes Tessa down in the corner, then hits the Running Hip Attack in the lower turnbuckle, followed by the Running Double Knees to the face. Tessa fights out of the Belly to Back Suplex attempt, as Tessa hits the Rip Chord Cutter for the near fall.


Tessa attempts the Hammerlock DDT, but gets countered into the Release German Suplex by Taya. She goes for the cover but Moose pulls the referee out to break up the pin. Johnny takes Moose out with a Corkscrew Plancha on the floor. Meanwhile, inside the ring, Taya takes down Tessa with a Surfboard Stomp, then a modified Crossface by Taya as she forces Tessa Blanchard to tap out.


Winners: Johnny Impact and Taya Valkyrie

After the match, Moose takes out Johnny Impact with an huge spear! He targets Taya Valkyrie, as Tessa attacks her from behind and pummels her with a series of fists. Tessa attempts to whack Taya with a steel chair. Suddenly, Killer Kross comes out and pulls the chair away from Tessa. Moose and Kross argue, as Brian Cage comes down and takes down both Moose and Killer Kross. He clotheslines Moose to the floor, then hits a Release German Suplex on Kross. Cage stares Kross down, as Kross no sells the German Suplex and walks away. Cage attends to Taya, as does Johnny Impact. Johnny Impact and Brian Cage have a stare down as we close out tonight’s edition of Impact Wrestling.

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Edited by Pratyay Ghosh
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