#10 Austin Aries Vs Fallah Bahh - Impact World Title match

This was one of the most fun matches I've seen in a while. The story was simple, Impact had built it up all episode, this was going to be Bahh's moment, but Aries wasn't having it. Aries' plan was to wear the much larger and less agile man out with speed and quickness.
Bahh surprises Aries with a Shoulder Block and then maintains some momentum. After a series of trades Bahh goes for the Steamroller, but Aries brilliantly reverses it into the Last Chancery.
Aries made Bahh look like a star in this match, and played the near falls from Bahh perfectly, with there being several instances that had me convinced that Bahh had just won the title in a shock. Alas, it wasn't to be with Aries hitting a Sunset Flip Powerbomb followed by another Last Chancery, causing the referee to end the match and declare Aries the winner
Result: Austin Aries def. Fallah Bahh
After the match, the villainous trio of Aries, Kross, and Moose tried to attack Bahh, but KM intervened. The three men then massacre KM with the Necklace Conchairto to close out the show!