Impact Wrestling Results: November 15, 2018

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Welcome to Impact Wrestling! Tonight’s show will be headlined by two incredible, action-packed bouts.


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We will be seeing Impact Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion Johnny Impact go up against Matt Sydal in a non-title match. We will also Impact Wrestling X-Division Champion “The Machine” Brian Cage defend his title against Sami Callihan. All this and so much more, so without any further ado let’s head to ringside!


Tessa Blanchard vs. Ray Lyn

The match starts off with Tessa Blanchard attempting to take control but is surprised with a flurry of kicks to the body and face of our Impact Wrestling Knockouts Champion.

Tessa fights back with some forearm shots that leads into a Press Slam-Facebreaker combination to Ray Lyn.

Tessa follows it up with a cutter, then stops away at Ray Lyn in the corner. Lyn tries to make a comeback, as she delivers a knee lift to Tessa’s jaw, then follows it up with a nice hurricanrana then a dropkick.


Tessa hits a few more blows, then finishes Ray Lyn off with the Running Turnbuckle Powerbomb, then a Buzzsaw DDT covers Ray Lyn and gets the three-count.

Winner: Tessa Blanchard

Tessa Blanchard gets on the microphone and calls out Taya Valkyrie. Tessa trash talks Taya until she comes out from the backstage area and chases Tessa Blanchard out of the ring and up the rampway.

Taya gets on the microphone and says their Knockouts Championship rematch will take place at Impact Homecoming on January 6th, 2019 at the Asylum in Nashville, TN.



Backstage Segments

Kevin Matthews (KM) has a discussion with Fallah Bah, telling him they will be facing L.A.X. tonight in a tag team match, hoping to impress Scarlett Bordeaux. After the break, we get a vignette promoting the arrival of a new group called “The Rascals”. Interesting!

Kevin Matthews (KM) and Fallah Bahh vs L.A.X. (Ortiz and Santana)


The match kicks off with Fallah Bahh and Santana. Bahh drops Santana with a shoulder tackle.

Fallah then delivers some nice chops to Santana, then connects with another shoulder tackle to knock him down once more.

Santana tries to counter back with a Springboard Armdrag takedown but Fallah is able to counter with a couple of arm drag takedowns. Santana attempts a sunset flip but to no avail, as he can't bring the big man down.


Santana then gets the advantage and attempts a standing moonsault, but Ballah dodges the bullet and moves out of the way. Santana takes down Fallah with an Enziguiri Kick. He tags in Ortiz.

They begin to double team Fallah and throw him outside to the arena floor. Fallah takes control and delivers a stiff kick to the head of Ortiz.

He tags KM into the match. KM comes in, body slams Ortiz, then delivers a big elbow drop. Fallah Bahh and KM hit two back-to-back steamrollers. Ortiz drops both KM and Bahh with a back elbow, then a flying dropkick.


Ortiz tags in Santana. KM catches Santana in mid-air after Santana attempts the crossbody block. Santana takes KM down with a few well-placed kicks, then a Senton Splash. Santana tags in Ortiz.

Both members of L.A.X. attempt a double suplex but gets countered into a huge suplex by KM. Bahh gets tagged in, then wastes no time in hitting a double crossbody block to L.A.X.

Bahh splashes both Ortiz and Santana from one corner to the next, in sequence. Fallah hits the Samoan Drop on Santana.


He goes in for a big splash off the ropes but L.A.X. avoid this and send Fallah Bahh to the arena floor. Both men double team KM and finish him off with a Springboard Lionsault, as they pin KM to get the 3 count and the victory.


Winners: L.A.X. (Ortiz and Santana)

Backstage Segments


We begin a series of backstage segments with a new Knockout by the name of Heather Monroe. She discusses her match with Su Yung, as Kiera Hogan approaches her. She warns her that Su Yung is a very dangerous individual and should not be taken lightly, etc.


The next segment shows Ortiz, Santana and Konnan discussing the Lucha Bros. (Pentagon Jr. and Fenix). Ortiz talks some trash to Santana and says he is just looking out for his partner.

Konnan brings up how quiet the OGz (Homicide and Hernandez) have been since they were taken out by The Lucha Bros. L.A.X. request a Tag Team Titles match against The Lucha Bros, but Konnan advises Santana and Ortiz to forget about it, now is not the time.


Matt Sydal and Ethan Paige discuss the signs and signals needed to separate themselves from all the others.

The duo begins to discuss Sydal's match with Johnny Impact later on in the evening, as Matt Sydal says he will use his 3rd eye to see right through Johnny Impact.


After a brief commercial break, we see The Desi Hit Squad chillin' and relaxing at the pool. The team discusses all of the amazing food they got in Las Vegas.

They begin to talk about Thanksgiving, etc. Gama threatens to show up on Impact next week to ruin the show's Thanksgiving Day festivities.


Back at ringside, Eli Drake comes out to talk about "The Monster" Abyss and how he got rid of the Impact Wrestling Hall of Famer for good.

Eli talks about how he is the last of his kind and the only legit wrestler to captivate the audience's attention span without destroying his body.

He talks about the lawsuit was a setup to get to Abyss. Suddenly, Tommy Dreamer interrupts Eli and makes his way down to ringside.


Eli Drake trashes Tommy Dreamer and says he's just an old man that loves to use weapons to get over.

Tommy says that being hardcore is a work ethic to show who is willing to sacrifice their bodies for the sake of the fans.

Dreamer discusses the history of hardcore wrestling and tells Eli Drake of all the past legends who have punished their bodies for the sake of the wrestling business. Dreamer says that when Eli insults the fans he is also insulting Tommy Dreamer.


Eli fires back by saying Tommy could never measure up to him on the microphone or inside the squared circle.

Dreamer says he's sick and tired of talking and wants to fight Eli Drake right now. Both men take off their jackets, but Eli Drake retreats and heads to the backstage area away from Dreamer.

We head backstage where we see Eddie Edwards' wife, Alisha talking with Moose. She is worried about Eddie and thinks he has gone completely insane, especially if he sees Moose anywhere backstage. Moose threatens to destroy Eddie Edwards just like he did before,


Next, we see the Impact Wrestling officials talk about the unsafe working environment within' the company, as Scarlett Bordeux arrives and flirts with them. We then head down to ringside for our next match of the evening.


Johnny Impact vs Matt Sydal


The match kicks off with both men going through a series of reversals until Sydal drills Johnny with a stiff kick to the leg area.

After another series of reversals, Sydal attempts the Standing Moonsault but gets countered as Johnny leg sweeps Sydal off his feet.

Johnny follows up with a Standing Shooting Star Press. Sydal then sends Johnny out to the arena floor.

After a stiff kick to the back area by Sydal, both men reenter the ring. Johnny Impact hits a Sunset Flip for a near fall. Matt Sydal connects with a Corner Dropkick, then goes in for the cover but can only get a two count.


Johnny Impact begins striking Matt Sydal. Sydal hits a Spinning Heel Kick but Johnny counters with the backbreaker.

Johnny hits a nice heel kick, followed by a Shining Wizard kick. Johnny attempts the neckbreaker but Sydal counters with the knee lift. Johnny regains control and hits the German Suplex. Johnny connects flush with a Springboard Shining Wizard kick.

Johnny Impact goes for the Starship Pain to end the match, but Ethan Page pulls Sydal out of the way. Johnny runs and connects with a Parkour-inspired dive on Ethan Page to the arena floor.


Sydal takes advantage by using the barrier and a well-placed kick to setup for his Shooting Star Press from the top rope.

Johnny Impact gets up to his feet as the Meteora connects. Johnny Impact hits the neckbreaker followed by the Starship Pain to get the cover and the three-count.

Winner: Johnny Impact


After the break, Killer Kross emerges from the shadows to confront our Impact Wrestling World Champion.

He tells Johnny that he was the better man at "Final Hour", last week. Kross talks about how he's teh catalyst for change, a legit role model and that he will help Johnny any time the champion needs his assistance.

Johnny claims that what Kross said might be true, but he doesn't need any of his help.


Backstage Segments

Katarina Lee confronts Jordynne Grace and says the two should form a tag team. Jordynne replies by telling Katarina she wants her in a rematch in two weeks time on Impact Wrestling as we cut to a commercial break.


As we go back from our commercial break, we see a brawl ensue between Eddie Edwards and Moose backstage. We then see "nurses" show up and sedate Edwards, then drag him out of the area and away from Moose.


Su Yung vs Heather Monroe

Su Yung drills Monroe with several forearm shots. After being set on the top turnbuckle, Yung hits a huge neckbreaker off the top rope on Monroe.

Yung attempts the Mandible Claw but Monroe counters with various strikes in the corner. Heather connects with a Double Stomp and gets a two count on Su Yung. Yung gets back, then connects with the Palm Strike followed by the Panic Switch. She then applies the Mandible Claw on Heather Monroe and that's all she wrote.


Winner: Su Yung

Kiera Hogan runs out to try and make the save for Monroe. After checking on Monroe, Allie makes a dramatic apperance, completely dressed in all black and apparently taken over by the darkness.

A shocked Kiera Hogan asks Allie what is she doing, as Su Yung jumps Kiera from behind and then hits the Panic Switch. Su leads Allie away from the ringside area shortly thereafter.


"Impact Wrestling X-Division Championship Match" - (C)"The Machine" Brian Cage vs Sami Callihan

Now the time has come for our main event of the evening. Cage gets off to a roaring start with one thunderous clothesline after the other in the corner on Callihan.

Sami tries to fire back with a clothesline of his own, but Cage no sells it and feels no pain. Cage begins to toss around Callihan from corner to corner before connecting with a Fallaway Slam. Callihan gets Irish whip off the ropes and hits Cage with a Hurricanrana. Cage retaliates with a Hurricanrana of his own, pretty impressive for a man his size. Cage then hits Callihan with a beautiful dropkick.


Sami Callihan hits a series of kicks to "The Machine" until he's knocked down. Dave from oVe gets involved, dragging Cage out to the arena floor.

The referee then ejects both members of oVe to the backstage area, much to the dismay of Sami Callihan. Brian Cage takes advantage and hits the Vertical Suplex on Callihan on the floor.

Brian Cage and Sami Callihan go through a series of reversals until Cage is able to hit a Sit-Out Spinebuster on Callihan. Cage then goes for the Power Bomb but Callihan reverses this into a Guillotine Chokehold. Cage tries to power out but Sami connects with a Death Valley Driver as he goes for the cover and gets a near fall.


Callihan attempts a Piledriver but is countered into a German Suplex attempt by Cage. Sami counters the German Suplex into the Ankle Lock submission. Cage rolls through the Ankle Lock and utilizes a Pumphandle Slam on Sami Callihan.

Cage sends Callihan to the corner, then hits the Superplex followed into an F-5 in one sequence to score a near fall. After a few stiff shots, Sami Callihan hits the Piledriver but can only get a two count. Callihan applies another Ankle Lock on Brian Cage. Cage fights out of the hold and reaches the ropes.


Sami then climbs to the middle rope, gets caught by Cage in mid-air, but Sami counters the catch into a Sunset Flip Power Bomb for yet another near fall.

Cage gets back up, connects with the Power Bomb, then ends the match with the Drill Claw to get the cover and three-count. "The Machine" Brian Cage retains the Impact Wrestling X-Division Championship!

Winner: "The Machine" Brian Cage


Following the match, Brian Cage gets on the mic and shocks the Impact audience by challenging Johnny Impact to a World Heavyweight Championship match at Impact Homecoming!

That's a wrap on this week's edition of Impact Wrestling!

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Edited by Alan John
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