Impact Wrestling results, video highlights, and analysis - 2 February 2019

Impact Wrestling started off with a fantastic six-man tag team match
Impact Wrestling started off with a fantastic six-man tag team match

Last week's episode of Impact Wrestling ended in chaos as Brian Cage interrupted a championship match between Killer Kross and Heavyweight Champion Johnny Impact. Only a few weeks away from another title defence with Cage, what will Johnny Impact have to say?


What kind of destruction will Kross and Moose reign upon the roster after being screwed out of the championship last week?

Also tonight, a tag team match featuring two of the best teams in the division, Lucha Bros and the Impact Wrestling Tag Team Champions, in a six-man match in which both teams were given partners by Konnan.

Lucha Brothers & Taurus vs LAX & Daga


Pentagon and Santana began the match. It didn't take long for all men to launch into the ring, taking each other out, leading Daga and Taurus in the middle of the ring. Taurus took Daga out with a huge running dropkick, then took out Ortiz with a tope con Hilo.

Pentagon and Santana finally got back inside and began trading chops and superkicks. Pentagon avoided an enziguri but was pushed into the ropes. Santana attempted a roll-up but Pentagon escaped only to be dropped by a cutter. Pentagon kicked out.


Ortiz was tagged in, and LAX and Daga took turns pelting Pentagon with kicks, followed by an assisted moonsault. Pentagon kicked out again.

Daga and Santana knocked Fenix and Taurus off the apron, leaving Pentagon by himself. Pentagon, in the corner, sent Daga flying, then avoided a shoulder tackle by Ortiz. A running dropkick hit Ortiz instead of Pentagon, and a monkey flip crashed the LAX members into each other.


With Fenix tagged in, Ortiz was initially left playing catch up but managed to plant him with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Both Daga and Taurus tagged in, and Taurus sent Daga into the corner for a kick and an enziguri. Daga shook it off, and after running off the ropes dropped the big man with a German suplex.

Taurus broke out and took down Daga with a springboard cross body. Ortiz tagged in, going after Taurus. On the outside, he took him down with a tope. Pentagon followed with a suicide dive, with Santana taking all men out with an Asai moonsault.


Fenix, not to be outdone, connected with a springboard corkscrew senton, which took us to commercial.


Back from break, the Lucha Bros had Ortiz down in the middle of the ring after a double superkick. Fenix took out Daga and Santana while Taurus sent Ortiz down with a spinning Michinoku Driver. Ortiz kicked out.


Pentagon and Fenix finished Ortiz off with Fear Factor for the win.

Results: Lucha Bros & Taurus defeated LAX & Daga via pinfall.

With a victory over Impact Wrestling's best team and tag team champions, will Pentagon Jr. and Fenix be next in line for a title shot? Now redeeming their loss at Impact Wrestling Homecoming, it definitely seemed that way. Fenix and Pentagon got a mic to call out LAX. Pentagon played to the crowd, then addressed the champions.


Pentagon challenged LAX for the Impact Wrestling Tag Team Titles, hoping to repeat the fantastic match fans saw at Homecoming. Next week on Impact Wrestling, we will get just that.

Backstage, Melissa Santos interviewed Killer Kross and Moose. Kross said he wasn't in very good spirits, claiming that everything was going according to plan until Cage interfered last week. Kross said that, despite everything the Machine believes, he's not invincible.

Moss said that he'd been through wars, and the best way to win them is by keeping their composure.

Rosemary warned Kiera and Jordynne last week ahead of their tag team match
Rosemary warned Kiera and Jordynne last week ahead of their tag team match

Post-match, Konnan addressed LAX and told them to keep everything professional between themselves and the Lucha Bros. Ortiz said that he learned his lesson and got his mouth shut by their rivals tonight, but things will be different next week.


A flashback was shown from the May 3rd, 2018 episode of Impact Wrestling where Su Yung sent Rosemary through a table with the Panic Switch. Yung, along with two of her undead bridesmaids then placed her in the coffin as the rest held a pre-corrupted Allie at bay.

During the commercial break, Josh Mathews and Don Calis talked about the "Uncaged" event, which will not only see the Impact World Championship match between Brian Cage and Johnny Impact but the return of the World Cup Tournament.


Impact's next PPV, Rebellion, takes place on April 28th, 8 p.m. ET.

Su Yung & Dark Allie vs Kiera Hogan & Jordynne Grace

Yung and Allie quickly began by attacking Grace, but she overpowered them, countering a double suplex and sending them down with a pair of clotheslines.


After running her into Allie with a battering ram, she German Suplexed Su Yung, who found herself in the corner just in time for a running forearm strike from Grace. Kiera Hogan tagged in and was slammed on top of Yung. Yung kicked out.

Hogan sent Yung into the corner with a running shotgun dropkick, following up with a running body attack and a running hip attack. Yung kicked out at two. Hogan sent Yung into the corner and tagged in Grace. The powerhouse picked up Yung with ease, sending her into her corner with a fallaway slam. She tagged in Allie who was quickly planted with a Bubba Bomb.


Su Yung pulled the ropes as Grace attempted to pick up momentum, sending her outside. She avoided Yung's red mist, but as she picked up the undead bride, Allie caught her with a superkick, and the dastardly duo repeatedly sent her into the ring post.


Grace tried to fight off Allie inside the ring, working towards Hogan. Allie knocked Hogan off the ropes. As she tried to get back in for a receipt, she was stopped by the ref, allowing Yung and Allie to continue the punishment on Grace. As Yung tagged in, she taunted Hogan, keeping the ref's attention while Allie choked Grace.

Allie tagged back in and attempted to keep Grace gasping with a headlock. Grace stood up, driving her into the turnbuckle. Allie jumped back on her and pulled her away from her corner, back to Su Yung. Yung tagged in, and she and Allie worked the legs with a wishbone snap.


Allie tagged in again, but as she attempted to beat down Grace, Big Momma Pump managed to Hulk up and pounced Allie across the ring. Grace, after minutes of absolute torture, nearly made it to Hogan. The power went out, and as the lights turned back on, Rosemary had replaced Su Yung.


A stunned Allie backed away, walking into the corner where Kiera Hogan was waiting. A fisherman suplex would put the former Knockouts Champion away.

Results: Kiera Hogan & Jordynne Grace defeated Dark Allie & Su Yung.

Next up, the Rascals faced one of their biggest challenges yet, taking on two World Champions in Eddie Edwards and Eli Drake.

The Rascalz had a huge opportunity against two former Impact World Champions
The Rascalz had a huge opportunity against two former Impact World Champions

A vignette was shown of Scarlett Bordeaux picking on a random guy by a pool as she was "training" for her in-ring debut.


Eddie Edwards & Eli Drake vs The Rascalz (Dez & Wentz)

Wentz and Edwards started the match, with Wentz managing to stay ahead of the former World Champion. Edwards brought him into the corner where Drake tagged himself in. The two argued, allowing Wentz to break out and take control again.


Drake was rolled up but escaped. A springboard corkscrew plancha from Wentz nearly put Drake away. Dez tagged in, and the Rascalz teamed up on Drake. Multiple strikes followed by a splash nearly got them the win.


Drake caught a kick from Dez, shoving him off and tagging in Edwards. Dez tagged in Wentz, who hit Edwards with a tope atomico. Wentz went to the corner, heading up top but was knocked off by Drake while the ref had his back turned. Drake then tagged himself in.

A unique side slam from the former World Champion hurt Wentz, but the Rascal kicked out. Wentz attempted to tag in Des but was caught by Drake. A pop-up fall away powerslam almost got Drake the win again, but Wentz kicked out.


Edwards tagged in and chopped Wentz across the chest. However, a jumping high knee allowed him to get to Des. Drake, though, pulled him off, preventing the tag and allowing Edwards to plant Wentz with a rolling fireman's carry slam.


Wentz escaped Drake and finally tagged in Des, who knocked Edwards off the ropes and connected with a pinpoint dropkick to Drake's face. Back on his feet, a straight right stunned Des. Des went for a springboard DDT but was caught. Wentz came in and sent Drake overhead with a front flip double DDT.


Edwards broke up the pin, sending Wentz outside and turning Dez inside out with a clothesline. After a suicide dive to Wentz, Eddie Edwards came in with Kenny, his Kendo Stick. As the ref was distracted, Drake took Kenny and whacked Dez over the head, following up with the Gravy Train.


Results: Eli Drake & Eddie Edwards defeated The Rascalz.

Rich Swann knows the real Sami Callihan
Rich Swann knows the real Sami Callihan

Impact aired a Twitter rant from Tessa Blanchard, who said she'd attack Gail Kim all over again if she had the chance. At Homecoming, she said she was screwed over by Kim, and lost her Knockouts Championship unfairly.


Afterwards, a vignette was shown of Rich Swann talking about his past and how Sami Callihan saved him. Swann said when he was homeless, Callihan opened up his home, and it might have even cost him his marriage. However, he believed that Callihan is someone who would see what was best in you, and take it.


Swann said that Callihan would always have a place in his heart, but what he wants from Swann isn't "family."

Melissa Santos met with Taya Valkyrie backstage to talk about her upcoming title defence against Tessa Blanchard. Valkyrie said that this would be a Street Fight Match. The Knockouts Championship will be defended at Uncaged.

AAA's Psycho Clown made an Impact tonight against Fallah Bah
AAA's Psycho Clown made an Impact tonight against Fallah Bah

Fallah Bahh vs Psycho Clown


Fallah Bahh and Psycho Clown started off trading chops on this episode of Impact Wrestling, but as Clown went for a clothesline off the ropes, Bah took him down with a body attack. Dodging a leg drop, Clown attacked him on the ground and hit him with a running senton. Bah made it back to his feet, sending Clown to the outside.


As Clown recovered, he was crushed by a flying Bahh. Back inside the ring, Bahh tried to rip off Clown's mask. Clown escaped and went up top, only for Bahh to crotch him up top. Bahh went up top as well, but Clown escaped tying Bahh up in the turnbuckle and hitting him with a double foot stomp.

Bah went outside where Clown chased him with a suicide dive and a tope con Hilo. Inside the ring, Clown attempted to bring bah down with a springboard attack, but Bah countered with a belly-to-belly suplex. Clown kicked out.


Bah dragged Psycho Clown to the corner, going for the Banzai Drop. Clown kicked him in the backside, climbing up and driving him to the mat with a sunset flip powerbomb. Bah kicked out but was eventually pinned by Clown with a cradle.

Results: Psycho Clown defeated Fallah Bah

Killer Kross and Moose looked to get revenge after last week's main event
Killer Kross and Moose looked to get revenge after last week's main event

Backstage, Psycho Clown hyped up the AAA team ahead of the AAA vs Impact match at Uncaged. Sami Callihan will lead Eli Drake, Eddie Edwards and Fallah Bah in a war against Aerostar, Vikingo, Puma King, and Psycho Clown.


Killer Kross & Moose vs Brian Cage & Johnny Impact

Moose shoved Johnny Impact off before showboating to the crowd. Impact allowed Moose to pose more, then kicked him in the gut. Impact was knocked down by a shoulder block, and was almost taken out by a ripcord discus lariat, but avoided and knocked out Moose with a kick.

Killer Kross tagged in, and Brian Cage did as well, much to the chagrin of Impact. Kross stunned Cage with a chop to the throat.


Cage shook it off and hit him with a running uppercut followed by a spinning hurricanrana. After a body slam, Impact tagged himself back in, and both men stared each other down. Impact connected with a tope atomico followed by the Moonlight Drive.

Kross kicked out, and a knee to the back from Moose as Impact ran off the ropes allowed Kross to drop the Impact World Champion with a powerbomb. Moose tagged in and beat down Impact. Kross and Moose kept Impact in the corner, performing what Don Callis calls the "Murder Money Connection", a series of stomps by both men.


Kross hit Impact with multiple suplexes before tagging Moose back in, who drove Impact into a neutral corner for some more punishment. A shoulder block and a chest forced Impact to his knees.

He crawled to the middle, where Moose attacked his spine with hip drops. A third seemed too many as Impact leaped and landed on his back knee up, catching Moose on the crotch.


Moose, however, kept Impact's leg locked while tagging in Kross. Kross held Impact in a Dragon Sleeper, but the champion broke out. Kross tagged Moose back in. The big man dropped Impact with a back suplex. Impact kicked out at two.

Impact finally got to Cage, who bulldozed Moose and knocked Kross off the apron. A clothesline and a superkick stunned Moose while a jumping knee sent an invading Kross back outside again. A suplex nearly picked up a win for Cage. Cage attempted to put Moose away but Kross broke it up. A German suplex and spinebuster put Kross away.


Moose dropped Cage from the top with the Go To Hell, but Impact tagged him before he left the corner. A corkscrew crossbody and a shining wizard left Moose on the ground. Impact left Kross hung up in the middle of the ropes while Cage picked up Moose. A misunderstanding happened when Impact went for the Impact Kick and Kross dodged, with Impact hitting Cage instead.


Cage, infuriated, went to clothesline Impact, who dodged, leveling Kross instead. As the two argue, Moose speared Impact. Cage watched on as Impact was pinned.

Results: Moose & Killer Kross defeated Johnny Impact & Brian Cage

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Edited by Riju Dasgupta
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