Hello gang and welcome to this week's edition of MLW Fusion. This week features a huge main event on the store for all MLW and wrestling fans across the globe. We will see MLW World Heavyweight Champion Low Ki defend his title against former champion "The Swerve" Shane Strickland. So, without any further ado let's get things started, shall we?
We kick things off with an opening video highlighting the attack from a week ago, where Simon Gotch led "Filthy" Tom Lawlor into an ambush attack at the hands of the LA Park, Ricky Martinez and Low Ki when we went off the air on the previous episode.
We are welcomed to the broadcast by our announcers Tony Schiavone and Rich Bocchini. We head backstage to a segment between Salina De La Renta and Simon Gotch. She pushes over a briefcase filled with money. Simon tells Salina if she needs someone to trust to come to him. Salina tells Simon he will have to earn her trust, by taking out "Filthy" Tom Lawlor once and for all at MLW Miami, in December.
The match is officially confirmed by Schiavone and Bocchini, as Simon Gotch will face "FIlthy" Tom Lawlor in a special "No Ropes - No Holds Barred" Match for MLW Miami.
We head to ringside to begin our first match of the evening, as the broadcast team is welcomed by MLW Middleweight Champion MJF.
"Singles Match" - Kotto Brazil vs Trey Miguel
We kick things off with a huge shoulder tackle from Miguel but Kotto comes right back with a head-scissor takedown. Kotto hits a dropkick, followed up by a springboard attack that knocks Miguel to the arena floor. Baseball slide dodged by Miguel and he connects with Kotto with a forearm shot. Both men reenter the ring. Kotto climbs to the top turnbuckle but Miguel bumps the ring ropes and Kotto lands on his crotch. Miguel takes advantage, stomping Kotto down in the corner. Big basement dropkick to Kotto in the lower turnbuckle.
Miguel wears Kotto down with a rear chin lock. Kotto tries to mount a comeback but Miguel cuts him off with a knife-edge chop. Kotto with a sunset flip cover but Miguel rolls through and destroys Kotto with a PK. Kotto connects with a Springboard Poison Hurricanrana. Kotto lands a series of strikes, including another dropkick that sends Miguel to the arena floor again. He follows that up with a suicide dive, then another suicide dive for good measure. Tope Con Hilo from Kotto from the ropes to the arena floor on Miguel! He tosses Miguel back inside and lands a second rope lariat, and then a springboard headbutt.
Both men reenter the ring. Kotto hits the running uppercut. He puts Miguel on the top rope for a superplex but Miguel escapes and knocks Kotto down. He climbs up and lands a top rope Meteora for the cover as Kotto kicks out. Springboard Cutter from Miguel for another pin attempt and Kotto kicks out! He puts Kotto up on the top ropes and attempts a top rope cutter but Kotto blocks it! Double-stomp from Kotto but Miguel moves! Sliced Bread from Kotto and that keeps Miguel down, as he covers Miguel to get the pinfall and the victory.
Winner: Kotto Brazil
MJF starts to debate the pinfall count, as he storms off in anger. Seems as though we may be seeing a future title match between Kotto Brazil and MJF.
Shane Strickland arrives at the arena, he refuses to answer any questions from the reports an makes a b-line to the arena.
We see a promotional video for a new MLW wrestler named "Rush", who will be making his MLW debut in the next two weeks on Fusion.
MLW Analyst Matt Striker promotes the two upcoming shows for MLW Miami: "Never Say Never" on December 13th and "Zero Hour" on the 14th. At "Never Say Never" we will see The Hart Foundation (Teddy Hart, DB Smith Jr and Brian Pillman Jr) vs The Lucha Bros. (Pentagon Jr and Rey Fenix). Simon Gotch vs "Filthy" Tom Lawlor in a No Holds Barred Match. LA Park vs PCO in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Rush versus MJF in a non-title match. Former WWE 205 Live and Impact Wrestling star Andrew Everett makes his MLW debut on this show as well.
For "Zero Hour" we will see Konnan face Low Ki for the MLW World Heavyweight Championship if Low Ki can retain the title tonight from Shane Strickland. "Filthy" Tom Lawlor vs LA Park in singles competition. MJF defends his MLW Middleweight Championship against Kotto Brazil, Jason Cade and a mystery opponent in a special Fatal 4-Way Ladder Match for the title.
Kotto Brazil says it's about time that he gets a shot at MJF's title, who doesn't represent the middleweight scene very well. Kotto gets attacked and blindsided by MJF. This will build up some steam heading into MLW Miami in the next few weeks.
Teddy Hart and Brian Pillman Jr. cut a promo on Tommy Dreamer, who Pillman will face next week. Hart says that there are many legends in this business, but Dreamer is not one of them. Pillman talks trash to Dreamer, stating he will take Dreamer out and dispose of him the same way the Hart Foundation had done to wrestling legend Kevin Sullivan weeks ago.
The matchup between Dreamer and Pillman is made official for next week. Also announced is the Lucha Brothers defending the MLW tag titles against LA Park and El Hijo de LA Park.
We head back to ringside for our next match-up of the night. Marko Stunt goes one-on-one with Gringo Loco.
"Singles Match" - Marko Stunt vs Gringo Loco
Some nice athleticism from both men to start the match, as Marko hits a Hurricanrana from the ropes, followed up by a very impressive arm-drag. Gringo heads to the outside, as Marko connects with a suicide dive under the bottom rope. Marko climbs to the top rope while Gringo is still on the arena floor, dives and connects with a jumping hurricanrana that has to be seen to believe!
Both men reenter the ring, as Marko climbs to the top ropes but Gringo cuts him off. Gorilla Press Slam from Gringo, followed by a series of standing moonsaults. Double Underhook Piledriver from Gringo with a cover but Marko kicks out at two. Gringo climbs to the top but misses a corkscrew diving attack. Powerbomb attempt from Gringo but Marko turns it into another Hurricanrana! Finally, Marko hits a beautiful timed Tilting Codebreaker from the top rope, connects, then covers Gringo and gets the pin fall victory!
Winner: Marko Stunt
Next up is our main event for the evening.
"MLW World Heavyweight Championship Match" - (C)Low Ki vs "The Swerve" Shane Strickland
Low Ki with a takedown attempt but Swerve locks in a headlock. Swerve pushes Low Ki into the corner but the champ escapes to the outside. Low Ki enters the ring, then takes down Strickland. Low Ki gains the advantage and locks in a modified STF submission. Swerve escapes, but Low Ki lands a big chop on Strickland. Swerve comes right back with a lariat clothesline, which sends Low Ki to the arena floor. Swerve follows him out and lands some stiff kicks, targeting the champ's chest. He tosses Low Ki into the barricade, before throwing him back in the ring. Surfboard Stretch from Strickland to Low Ki, as he applies the pressure.
Low Ki eventually gets out of the hold as Strickland wears Low Ki down in the corner with shoulder blocks to Low Ki's midsection. Strickland connects with a backbreaker to Low Ki. Suplex attempt but Low Ki reverses it and drops Swerve right onto the top rope. Low Ki chases Swerve to the arena floor and starts hitting his chest with knife edge chops of his own. He slams Strickland's head on a nearby table. Both men reenter the ring. Back in the ring Low Ki goes for a pinfall...Swerve kicks out easily.
Float over suplex from Low Ki to Strickland for the pin attempt but Strickland kicks out. The camp with a camel-clutch, tugging at Swerve's head and neck. Swerve uses a jawbreaker to break the hold and unloads chops onto Low Ki's chest again. Low Ki comes right back with a handstand dropkick (using the turnbuckle). Shining Wizard dodged by Strickland, but Low Ki uses his momentum to change direction and nail Strickland with a kick to the back of the head. Octopus stretch from Low Ki in the center of the ring.
Swerve begins to mount a comeback, nailing Low Ki with a big forearm, and a headscissor takedown. Running uppercut in the corner. Running knee in the corner! Big back body drop all from Swerve. Cover but Low Ki kicks out. Kicks from Swerve to Low Ki's chest. Low Ki responds with one of his own but Swerve catches the champ in an elevated reverse DDT. Low Ki counters an arm drag and surprises Swerve with a running dropkick sending Swerve into the corner hard. Low Ki climbs the ropes but Shane meets him up on the top. He pushes Swerve off and attempts an attack but hits the referee instead. Strickland takes Low Ki down with a Superkick and a punt on the outside. In the ring, Swerve hits the Swerve stomp but the referee can't make the count. After clearing having the matchup won...another ref comes out but Low Ki kicks out. Swerve is very upset and gets distracted by Ricky Martinez. Low Ki comes from behind and rips at Swerve's hair, yanking out some of his locks. The referee doesn't see it. Low Ki gets the roll-up on Shane Strickland for the cover, the pinfall, and the victory.
Winner: Low Ki
Salina and Low Ki celebrate on their way out. Strickland, who is very upset, grabs a microphone. He says he has sacrificed everything including his family to become the franchise of MLW, and yet somehow Low Ki is allowed to walk around with his title and constantly cheating to win. Swerve calls out Court Bauer for booking the show poorly. After some curse words and other language is thrown around in between, Shane says he is terminating his MLW contract. Shane's microphone gets cut off, as he slams the microphone down, exiting through the crowd as we end tonight's show on a very controversial note.