MLW Fusion kicked off with various video clips from last week's episode that featured Richard Holliday, Savio Vega, and many others before the main show opener began to play. After the show's opener, we went straight to the match on this week's MLW Fusion.
MLW Fusion Match One: AAA Cruiserweight Champion Vs. Zenshi

What a way to start off MLW Fusion! Both masked men started with a handshake. It is well known AAA has a working relationship with MLW. Bocchini said he was wondering if Lio Rush is paying attention to the match. His colleague on the announcers' desk, St. Laurent, it would be an interesting prospect to see a Champion vs Champion match.
Both men started the match defensively as both are well-known highflyers. Zenshi was the first one to use an aerial move as he got Laredo Kid to the outside, and hit a springboard handstand dropkick.
Zenshi would knock Kid off the apron to the outside. He would go on to turn one handstand to the outside into an impressive 619. Zenshi would then hit a shooting star press to a Kid on the outside.
Laredo Kid would change the momentum in his favor with a colossal torpedo dropkick from the top rope. Zenshi would end up on the outside of the ring as Laredo Kid would hit a 450 splash.
The match would go back and forth seeing a lot of high-flying action including Zenshi nailing Laredo Kid with a big 450 splash of his own.
At some point in the match, Laredo Kid had his mouth busted open. The injury wouldn't stop him as both men would end up on the top rope.
Laredo Kid looked like he was going to fall prey to a flip over powerbomb off the top rope, but he was able to reverse the move and hit a Spanish Fly from the top rope for the victory.
After the match, Laredo Kid cut a promo stating he wants to face Lio Rush. Oddly enough, the Contra logo cut in during the promo.
Winner: Laredo Kid
Grade: A+
MLW Fusion Promos
Myron Reed let Contra know that Injustice is not done with Contra.
The Von Erichs got much-needed advice from their Father, Kevin Von Erich.
Gino Mendia showed up to MLW Fusion but doesn't have a match tonight. Mendia states he has an interest in tonight's MLW Fusion main event.
Mads Krugger talked about his match next week with Alexander Hammerstone.
"Filthy" Tom Lawlor still denied having anything to do with the attack on ACH last week's MLW Fusion.
MLW Fusion No.1 Contenders Match: TJP & Bu Ku Dao vs. Violence Is Forever

Larry Peace Jr. stayed out to officiate this match as well. Dominic Garrini started the match against Bu Ku Dao. Garrini tossed Dao like a rag doll but did not tag out to TJP. Garrini tagged in Kevin Ku as Garrini held Dao in a modified triangle chokehold on the ground.
Dao would tag in TJP after he took Kevin Ku down. TJP would use his partner as a weapon hitting Kevin Ku with Dao on TJP's back.
This was a classic tag match as Garrini and Ku tag in and out as the heels. Dao got hit with an impressive backbreaker.
Bu Ku Dao would hit a crucifix driver pin for a two-count. TJP would follow up with a Mamba Splash, and Dao would get the victory.
After the match, TJP cut a promo on how he's a changed man. TJP also told Bu Ku Dao to stick around him. TJP and Bu Ku Dao will face Los Parks for the Tag Team Championships next week on MLW Fusion.
Winners: TJP & Bu Ku Dao
Grade: A
Richard Holliday had a message for Savio Vega.
MLW Fusion Main Event: Caribbean Championship Strap Match - Richard Holliday vs. Savio Vega

This match has been a long time in the making as Holliday stole the championship from Savio Vega. The rules of a Caribbean Strap Match is you must touch each corner turnbuckle to win the match. Vega is no stranger to this stipulation.
As soon as the match started, Holliday went for the quick win, but Vega stopped him and hit the youngster with the strap. Holliday would repay the favor to Vega once he got him off his feet.
Both men would go back and forth, trying to reach all four corners of the ring. As Savio Vega was touching three corners, Holliday was following him.
At the last turnbuckle, the referee blocked the way. Vega would grab and push the referee out of the way, but the momentum caused the champion to move away as well, and Richard Holliday would hit the fourth turnbuckle. The referee would call the match.
Winner: Richard Holliday
Grade: A
After the match, Richard Holliday and the referee would walk out together and meet Alicia Atout for an interview claiming the ref called it right down the middle. Savio Vega would follow behind them yelling and swinging the strap at both men ending MLW Fusion.