#5 Otis "Dozer" Dozovic

Real Name: Nikola Bogojevic
Years as a pro: 3
Wrestling Style: Power. Power. Power! However, he mixes in some flashy crowd-pleasing moves, like the Worm.
Otis Dozovic is one of the most unique wrestling talents to ever come down the pike. In fact, it's hard to find anyone to compare him to, past or present. He has the amateur wrestling acumen of men like Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle, but given his massive frame and unbelievable strength, he tends to rely more on traditional wrestling power moves in the professional ring.
Despite Otis's seemingly ungainly bulk, he moves with a grace that belies his size. He is definitely the 'funny one' in the Heavy Machinery team.
How will he fare on the main roster? It's sink or swim time for Otis. Triple H is very, very, very high on Dozovic and sees him as a future world heavyweight champion. However, even Triple H admits that the main roster is Vince McMahon's sandbox, and if he doesn't like Otis's particular brand of charm it could be tough for him. Still, Heavy Machinery will wind up wearing gold on the main roster by the end of 2019, but if they split up he will either rise to the main event or sink to the mid-card.
Why should the fans care about him? Much like Rusev or Kenny Omega, Dozovic oozes a certain charm that makes fans like and care about him. Even if Vince McMahon is lukewarm on him initially, we're betting on Otis having a very long pro wrestling career.