#6 Jimmy Havoc

On the surface, this one may seem like a stretch, but it was Jimmy Havoc that put Progress on the map as the best independent promotion in the world, and with good booking, he could do the same for AEW. There is a big difference, as AEW have much more main event talent than Progress did at that time, but with the right story, the UK King of the Death match could be a surprise main event player.
Havoc is a fantastic technical worker, but he overshadows that with violence and aggression, and handled properly, he can truly be a star for a company looking to push an 'alternative' style of programming. The King of Goths has many new opponents on the AEW roster, but plenty of old ones, and however they choose to use him, he'll be one that many people tune in to see, but outside of the known commodities in AEW, Havoc is the best choice to be the surprise first ever Champion.