#7 Will Ospreay

A few years ago, Will Ospreay was nothing but a fantastic high-flier, but over his time in New Japan, he's developed as an overall performer, and the run he's been on over the past 2 years shows that he is the future of that company. The Aerial Assassin is now a great striker, grappler as well as continuing to elevate his aerial arsenal, and as New Japan continues to grow across the globe, Will's star continues to rise.
Ospreay has had a great match with just about every big name in wrestling right now, and given that he's still in his mid 20's, it's likely we'll see him at the top of this list in no time. A lot of people dislike Will's style, and that's understandable. High-flying isn't for everyone, but Will has adapted and improved a lot, and in 2-3 years, there's no doubting that he will be the best professional wrestler on the planet