#1 Meiko Satomura

Meiko Satomura, arguably the best joshi wrestler active today, runs her own dojo and promotion known as Sendai Pro, but the company performs just a few shows a year (as opposed to Stardom, which ran over 70 in 2018) and the roster features just a precious few full-time performers who usually compete against outsider freelancers.
Satomura entering Stardom full-time while continuing to run her own separate school on the side would be amazing, if remotely possible. She did in fact wrestle a series of matches for the company in 2015, including an amazing match against Io Shirai for the Stardom Red Belt.
She also appears to have a great reputation within the joshi industry, and given her recent exposure in the West (flooring onlookers in the Mae Young Classic and EVE's Wrestle Queendom) her overall profile seems higher than ever.
Satomura's phenomonial in-ring precision and martial arts influence would be an absolutely fantastic addition to Stardom's growth, and her seemingly maternal instincts and ability to train and mold other women wrestlers would make her a great long-term asset for building the future of the Stardom brand.
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