#2 Hiroyo Matsumoto

Hiroyo Matsumoto is a long-standing freelance wrestler known in the West for having performed for years in SHIMMER Women Athletes (where she is a former tag team champion) and the 2018 WWE Mae Young Classic, where she advanced to the second round before being eliminated by eventual tournament winner Toni Storm.
Matsumoto is a top talent in the joshi scene, utilizing a diverse set of power moves to punish her opponents under her Lady Destroyer/Lady Godzilla gimmick. While not quite as consistent as other joshis in performing elite-level matches on a routine basis, she absolutely brings her A-Game when called upon.
Matsumoto has graced Stardom's ring off and on since 2012, once winning the Artists of Stardom trios tag team championships with Evie (WWE's Dakota Kai) and Kellie Skater. Her exposure to both Japanese and Western audiences, as well as her previous experience with the company would make her a no-brainer in terms of top picks for new full-time talent to recruit.