#1 "You know it’s fake right?”

‘Fake’ is a taboo and almost non-existent word in a wrestling fan’s dictionary. 'Scripted' is a term that is preferred instead. After all, pro wrestling is indeed mostly scripted. The outcomes of the matches are predetermined and the storylines are planned.
It showcases elements of drama, humor, romance, friendship, betrayals and overcoming all odds. But how is that different from all other forms of entertainment that people watch on television? You don’t hear people saying, “You know Game of Thrones is fake, right?”.
It’s the 21st century, and it’s a no-brainer that pro wrestling isn’t ‘real’ in that sense and most fans are well aware of this fact. However, the hazards are real, and the moves you see being executed are about as genuine as it gets. There is absolutely no way to ‘fake’ a body slam or a chair shot to the head.