WWE (RAW Brand)--Brock Lesnar

The Beast Incarnate continues to dominate Monday Night Raw with his mix of brutality and athleticism.
Technical Ability: It's kind of a shame because 2003 era Brock Lesnar would probably earn an A, but 2018 Lesnar barely passes muster any longer when it comes to technical moves. German suplexes and the F5 are what he mainly relies on these days. Grade: C
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
Popularity: When Lesnar's music hits, it always causes a stir. However, his part-time status has eroded his status with the fans a bit, and they chanted 'this is awful' during his match with Roman Reigns as Wrestlemania. Grade: C
Promo/Interview Skills: Brock isn't the worst talker, but he's not the best, either, hence the need for Paul Heyman. Grade: C
Overall Grade: C With all apologies to a tremendous athlete, it seems like Lesnar is just doing the bare minimum at this point in his career, and his grade reflects this.