#7 CM Punk, Extreme Rules 2009

Ah, CM Punk. Is there a more controversial, yet lovable pro wrestler (or ex pro wrestler these days) in existence? While some fans resent his early retirement, feeling he could have contributed more to the business, others point out that his career is full of many accolades, including multiple reigns as a 'big belt' champion in WWE and other promotions.
Love him or hate him, you have to admit he is undeniably attention grabbing. He really grabbed attention in 2009 when he won the MITB briefcase and attempted twice to cash it on Edge, who was a heel at the time.
Fans loved seeing CM Punk chase after Edge, but they changed their tune at Extreme Rules 2009. Edge defended the World title against Jeff Hardy in a grueling ladder match that left Hardy victorious, but badly beaten.
Punk cashed in his case, to the lament of the crowd who were ecstatic that Hardy had won the title. One Go to Sleep later, and Punk's heel turn was complete.