#8. The Ultimate Warriors--1990

Face it. Your nine-year-old self would have just been gaga for this particular Survivor Series team.
You have the over-the-top invincible Ultimate Warrior as team captain, the most celebrated tag team of the 1980s in the Legion of Doom, Hawk and Animal, and the sorely missed tragic figure of Kerry von Erich all on the same team.
In terms of pure strength and power, this is one of the most formidable Survivor Series teams of all time. Ultimate Warrior would go on to be the Sole Survivor, but the whole team looked good, and it was always a thrill to see long-time NWA star Von Erich in a WWE Ring.
Warrior being the captain was expected to put on a show and he did just that, lasting the entire duration of the bout.
Sadly, all the four men on this team passed away, but they will live on forever in the hearts and minds of the fans they touched.