#2 Team WWE (2001)

After WCW was purchased by WWE, ending the Monday Night War, it looked like the intercompany warfare would continue with Shane McMahon spearheading the WCW/ECW alliance and Vince McMahon heading up the WWE.
Of course, most fans were aware that McMahon owned both companies, taking a lot of the teeth out of the Survivor Series showdown which would lead to only one company remaining. Even though the Alliance team was quite disappointing--featuring virtually no WCW stars of note--Team WWE remains one of the most star studded and formidable line ups of all time.
Big Show, Chris Jericho, Kane, "American Badass" Undertaker, and The People's Champion The Rock formed the team, former world champions each and every one of them.
While the whole 'invasion' angle fell flat, this team still deserves recognition for being one of the best line ups in all of Survivor Series history.
The appeal by the WWE to recruit the members for their team is a noteworthy angle in itself.