#9 Hornswoggle's Christmas Miracle
Hornswoggle is either one of your favorite comedic characters from WWE history or someone who annoys you to tears. There's really no middle ground on this man.
The performer, who is has a genetic condition resulting in diminutive height, first came to prominence when he would accompany Fit Finlay to the ring. Well, accompany isn't quite accurate. The truth is that Hornswoggle hid under the ring and emerged to distract and attack Finlay's opponents when they weren't looking.
Eventually Hornswoggle would be revealed to be the 'son' of Vince McMahon and even join DX, but through it all he never spoke. Until one fine day in the Christmas season of 2011. Horsnwoggle won a battle royal which entitled him to a wish from Santa Claus (Mick Foley in the suit).
Hornswoggle's wish? To be able to speak. Foley granted his request, and then Hornswoggle wouldn't shut up.
This might look like a page straight out of WCW's book. But the WWE too are known for their bizarre storylines.