#6 You'd better watch out: Santa Cold is coming to town

There's no doubt that Vincent Kennedy McMahon, Jr., is one of the most accomplished heels in all of wrestling.
There are few other men who can bring a chorus of resounding boos just by walking out to the ring like he can. During the Attitude Era, Mr. McMahon was the WWE equivalent of Darth Vader.
To that end, when WWE presented its first annual Tribute to the Troops in Iraq, Vince McMahon appeared in the ring and started talking his usual trash. That's when Santa Claus arrived to try to spread some Christmas cheer.
McMahon attacked poor Santa, but he would regret that decision later when Stone Cold revealed himself to be the man behind the beard. McMahon would soon eat a Stunner, much to the delight of the gathered troops.
Stone Cold has never failed to utilize an opportunity to put his boss in his rightful place.