#3 Stone Cold Stuns Santa Claus

For our number three moment on the best WWE Christmas moments countdown, we travel all the way back to 1997.
It was the height of the Attitude Era, and Stone Cold Steve Austin's popularity had begun to transcend pro wrestling. The Texas Rattlesnake appeared on the cover of TV Guide Magazine (a staple of most households at the time) and had guest-starring roles on such shows as Nash Bridges.
On the RAW before Christmas that year, Santa Claus came out to the ring, ostensibly to spread Christmas cheer. However, this Santa was a real villain, mocking one young fan at ringside relentlessly.
This didn't sit well with Stone Cold Steve Austin. After verbally berating the fake Santa, he then delivered a brutal seated Stunner that cemented him as a true hero in the hearts of fans young and old.
Austin was as unpredictable as they came and even Santa had to learn this the hard way.