#7 Doink the Clown

Matt Osborne was a second-generation pro wrestler who made his first big splash in pro wrestling as lumberjack Big Josh in WCW. Unfortunately, Josh's gimmick revolved around the fact that he was supposed to be gigantic and muscular, which Osborne, while in great condition, was obviously not.
Osborne joined the WWE, where he was given the Doink gimmick based on an idea by Road Warrior Hawk. Doink originally wrestled as a technically skilled heel, whose pranks were often cruel and caused harm to his opponents.
Eventually, Doink transitioned to being a good guy, and a different wrestler named Ray Apollo portrayed him. Doink never made it out of the low to mid-card, and is one of the most maligned characters in all of wrestling. While some fans found the character entertaining, most people were turned off by the gimmick and believed it to be a low point for the WWE's creative team.
Thank you for reading another edition of WWE History. What gimmick wrestler was your favorite, or least favorite? Please comment and let us know beneath the article, and we'll see you next week for another trip down WWE memory lane.