
Who is the most famous pro wrestling stable of all time? Probably the Four Horsemen. The Ric Flair led group is perhaps one of the most celebrated stables of all time, and enjoy a spot in the WWE hall of fame even though they never wrestled for WWE under the Four Horsemen name.
Triple H, who 'worships the ground' Ric Flair walks on, wanted to form his version of the Four Horsemen. To that end, he recruited the Nature Boy himself, and two relative unknown quantities, Dave Batista and Randy Orton.
Ric Flair and Triple H were already former world champions, and both Batista and Randy Orton would eventually follow suit. The star-studded supergroup managed to hold all of the WWE championships during the Ruthless Aggression Era, and are still remembered fondly years after their break up.
Evolution has temporarily reformed from time to time, but never stick around for long.