My First step...
Somewhere in the month of September 2009, a synthetic athletic track (400 meters) was constructed in my office campus per International standards and was soon made open for employee usage.

After I received the communication about the opening of the track, I was there on the track next day evening itself and maybe I was the first among our employees to start using that. I had never seen and felt such a track before.
I started running on the innermost lane and got tired even before I completed my second loop, but stretched myself to complete three rounds. On that day there wasn’t a small hint in my mind that I had taken my first steps towards a long eventful journey in long distance running.
After that day, I became regular by hitting the track daily in evenings during weekdays. It started working well for me as I need not wait for a partner.
Within a month after I started, I could scale up to 10-12 rounds (4-5 km) of continuous running. I started feeling good both physically and mentally. Meanwhile, I was joined by couple of my colleagues.
Slowly the results started coming in the form of reduction in my overall weight and burning of extra fat around my belly. At workplace also, I was feeling an increase in my confidence level.