A runner's glossary: Learn the definitions of commonly-used running terms





Negative split – Running the second half of the race or run faster than the first half.

NR – National Record.


OD – “Over Distance”. Training over longer distances than the race distance itself.

Over-pronation – The excessive inward roll of the foot after the heel hits the ground and before toe-off. It can be the cause of many running injures, as it unevenly distributes the pressure from impact, but can be corrected with the right kind of shoe (usually with much more mid-foot and arch support, indicated with the darker material in the inside middle cushion of the shoes). See pronation.



Pace – The measure of the speed of running. In the US it is usually measured in the minutes it takes to cover a mile (example: 7:30 min/mile). Internationally, it is usually measured in minutes per kilometre (example: 4 min/kilometre).

Peak – The time you want to be able to perform your best – usually in regards to timing your fitness to coincide with the most important race of your season.

Plyos/Plyometrics – Exercises used to help improve speed, form and the function of the nervous system, and modified to help with a specific sport. In most exercises, the muscle is loaded then contracted quickly to build strength. Most sports use plyos to build explosive strength, but often, distance runners modify them to help prevent injury or fatigue. (Examples: high knees, medicine ball motions, butt kicks, skipping, burpees, etc.).


Post-collegiate – A term used to describe a runner who is still involved very seriously in competitive running and performs at a high level after college. Some post-collegiate runners have shoe sponsors, some may be part of a club team, some may train on their own, but all maintain high training levels and high standards of competition.

PR/PB – Personal Record/Personal Best. Said in reference to setting your personal-best time for a given distance. Example: I just ran a five-second PB in the mile, dropping from 5:00 to 4:55!


Pronation – The instinctive action that occurs when your foot hits the ground. The heel hits and the foot rolls inward as the arch collapses. It is important to find out how much you pronate (over-pronation, supination or neutral) to find the right kind of shoe.


Quarters – Lingo for 400 metres (1/4 mile). Often used when describing a workout (example: I have to do 10 quarters today on the track. [10x400m]).


Rabbit – Refers to the designated pacemaker in a track or road race. The athlete, or rabbit, is set up to run a specific time through a certain point in the race in an effort to set up a fast pace. Rabbits usually drop out halfway or three-fourths of the way through the race. For example, in a mile race, the rabbit would start with all the other athletes, but take the lead right away. Rabbits are often paid for pacing and are not allowed in championship situations (the Olympics/NCAA/National Championships/etc.).


Repeat – The set distance covered during an interval session, usually with a specific pace/time in mind and with a set interval of recovery.

Resting heart rate – The number of times your heart beats per minute when you are still and relaxed. The lower your resting heart-rate, the better your level of fitness. However, keep in mind that everyone has a different standard heart rate, so there is no “norm”.

RICE – Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate. The “prescription” for treating most injuries.


Rigg – Usually in reference to the last quarter or kick of a race, where the athlete ties up and appears to be in a kind of state of rigor-mortis (i.e., barely alive to finish the race). Example: “Did you see that guy? He totally rigged the last 100 of that race!”

Runner’s high – The feeling of euphoria or exhilaration during or after a long, hard effort, related to the secretion of chemical endorphins. It is hard to describe, but you will know it when you feel it.


Running economy – The amount of oxygen used at any given running speed. The less oxygen you use at a certain speed, the more economical you are.


Season best – The best time/performance you have had in a given season. It is not your PR or best time ever, but the best one you have run during a certain training cycle.

Singlet – A thin, sleeveless jersey worn by runners during races. They usually have a logo or team affiliation on the front.


Sit-and-kick – A type of racing strategy in which a runner relies on his superior finishing speed and makes no attempt to gain the lead of the race until the very end.

Slow-twitch muscles – A type of muscle fibre that contracts slowly, but can be used for a long time. Distance runners usually have more slow-twitch than fast-twitch muscles. There is some debate about whether the proportion of fast-twitch to slow-twitch muscles is an unchangeable part of our inborn body composition or if it can be changed through specific training.


Split – The term for the amount of time it takes to run a portion of the total run or race. (Example: My total 5k time was 18:30, but my last mile split was 5:45).

Steady state runs – A run done at a pace somewhere between “fast” and “slow”; not an interval workout, but not easy either. Steady state runs are usually between half-marathon and marathon pace and can be anywhere from 20 to 90 minutes long, depending on what you are training for.


Strides – Short, fast sprinting pieces lasting between 15 and 20 seconds with full recovery in between. They are usually done after an easy run or before a race or workout. The purpose of strides is to help your legs turn over more quickly and get them ready for a hard effort.

Supination – The opposite of pronation. The outward rolling of the foot after heel impact, which puts most pressure on the outside of the foot. Supination is rare and occurs in less than one percent of the running population.


Surge – A tactic in which the runner speeds up drastically, but typically slows again soon after. Surges can be used to break away from the pack or to check who is running easily and who is labouring.


Taper – A period of semi-rest before a big competition, usually practised a week or two before a big race. During a taper, mileage and workouts will be cut down a certain amount in order to rest your body for that one day.


Tempo intervals – A tempo run broken up into different repeats with rest between each piece. Each repeat is usually between 10k and 10k+10 to 20 seconds/mile pace and lasts between 10 and 15 minutes (per repeat). Example: 3×2 miles @ 10k effort with three minute rest between.

Tempo runs – A type of workout used to improve lactate threshold that is longer and slower than cruise intervals, but faster than steady state runs. Tempo runs should be comfortably hard and last between 10 and 45 minutes at roughly 15 to 20 seconds per mile slower than your 10k-race pace.


Tendonitis – Inflammation of the tendon, causing irritation and friction along the sheath that encases the tendon, which leads to more inflammation and pain.

Tendonosis – Non-inflammatory, repetitive stress injury of the tendon fibres. Whereas tendonitis is the inflammation of the tendon, tendonosis is the damage of the tissue itself.

The wall/hitting the wall – A state of pure exhaustion where your body runs out of glycogen stores. Also called “bonking”. Hitting the wall often occurs after the 20-mile mark of a marathon.


Turnover – The amount of times your feet hit the ground, usually measured in steps per minute. The better a runner’s turnover, the more efficient his/her form should be. Most believe that your turnover should be at least 180 steps/minute (an easy way to tell is to count the amount of times one foot hits the ground per minute and double it).


Ultra-marathon – A race that exceeds the tradition 26.2 miles marathon distance.



VDOT – An overall, more holistic number (as compared to VO2max) that measures an athlete’s ability to run fast. VDOT was created by Jack Daniels and is based on a runner’s most recent competition results. It includes factors like mental toughness, running economy and form that give a better overall view of an athlete’s potential.

VO2max – Maximum aerobic capacity or maximum amount of oxygen that can be utilized by a body; a high VO2max usually indicates greater performance potential, and although the number can be increased with training, it does have a limited genetic component. VO2max is usually found in a treadmill lab test.



Warm-up – Easy running done before a workout or race. Warm-ups are used to get your heart rate up and get the muscles ready for a hard effort. They usually last between 10 to 30 minutes.

Edited by Staff Editor
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