Anyone who even remotely follows running would be aware that the Boston Marathon is quite the Mecca amongst runners. This race was first held in 1897 with 18 participants, making it the world’s oldest annual marathon. It is held every year on the third Monday in April, which is a Massachusetts state holiday, Patriot’s Day.
Considered one of the most difficult marathon courses because of Newton Hills, which culminates in Heartbreak hill near Boston College, the Boston Marathon is special. What makes it an elusive prize amongst runners is that it is the only marathon in the United States that maintains qualifying times and that it has specific requirements that state that a runner must have completed a qualifying marathon within the year and a half before Boston.
Only those runners who qualify to run the Boston Marathon are aware of the hard work, sweat, blood and toil that go into actually reaching that start line. The 2013 Boston Marathon had over 27,000 runners who had qualified from around the world. This year the marathon honoured the 26 people who died at the Newtown, Connecticut school shooting with a special marker at the end of mile 26.
It is safe to say that every marathoner hopes to qualify for the Boston Marathon and run that tough course some day. I had a few friends – each an inspirational force in their own right – run this coveted route yesterday. I’m also pleased to say that one of those, Ashok Nath, also broke the 3-hour target, finishing the course in 2 hours 59 minutes.
However, all the rejoicing at the brilliant running and personal victories came to an abrupt halt when news of the two bomb blasts at the finish line flooded every channel. The last update mentioned that all the runners from India were safe.
The death toll stood at 3 with over 140 injured. To indulge in such sadistic activities and make a tragedy of such a noble sport supporting such an honest cause, makes one take a step back and wonder if we humans really are evolving as a species.
It pains me to say this, but it indeed is a sad day for humanity.