With Independence Day not too far away, Future Sports Foundation (FSF), an organization based out of Mumbai with a mission to nurture the sporting talent in the country, has taken an initiative to organize a ‘Freedom Run’ of around 6kms starting from Chembur Gymkhana on 15th August.
“The race will be supervised and monitored by the officials of Athletic Association, experienced in managing road races,” said P.M.Balakrishna, Founder of Future Sports Foundation. “We are passionate about helping all young talented people in achieving their full potential in any form of sports. The funds raised would be used to support and fund deserving sportsperson as part of the FSF Scholarships.”
The Foundation strives to increase the opportunities for young and upcoming talent by organizing various sporting events and providing specialized training to them.
Route for ‘FREEDOM RUN’ is as follows:
Start – Chembur Gymkhana gate – Chembur Station road- Chembur station – Ambedkar Garden – OLPS Church – Avenue road – Diamond Garden – Deonar – Dukes Factory – Amar Theater, Ghatla Village – Saint Anthony School – 16th road from Avenue Road – Finish
‘Freedom Run’ will commence at 7:30am. Visit www.futuresportsfoundation.com for more details.