Bhavesh Shekhawat, on Tuesday, June 13, won the men’s 25m Rapid Fire Pistol (RFP) event in the 21st edition of the Kumar Surendra Singh Memorial (KSSM) Shooting Championships. They are currently being held in Bhopal’s MP State Shooting Academy ranges.
Shekhawat, who hails from Rajasthan, edged past Punjab’s Udhayveer Sidhu to win the title in a closely-fought affair. Shekhawat had to fight hard to win the gold medal after he entered a shoot-off twice with his Punjabi opponent. Both shooters finished with a score of 26 in the final, consisting of 40 shots.
Both of them pulled off four hits in the first shoot-off series before Shekhawat pulled off another four to clinch the title. Sidhu managed three shots in the second series to finish with the silver medal. Arpit Goel from Delhi won the bronze medal after notching up a score of 21.
Impressive journey for Bhavesh Shekhawat
Earlier, Shekhawat impressed in the qualification round as well. He scored 584 to equal the meet record and finish on top. Sidhu, who gave him a run for the money in the main event, had 576 points in the qualification round.
With the stupendous performance, Shekhawat also strengthened his chances of representing India in the world championships and Asian Games.
It is pertinent to note that the KSSM scores are part of the selection process for the Asian Games and World championships. The Asian Games will take place later this year in Hangzhou from September 23 to October 8.
Apart from Shekhawat, Sidhu, and Goel, Gujarat’s Mitesh Manilal Gohil, Army’s Neeraj Kumar and Navy’s Rajat Yadav also played well, finishing in the top six.
In the junior men’s RFP, Maharashtra’s Sahi Dudhane won the gold medal with a score of 28. Udhayveer, who also took part in the junior’s RFP, won the silver medal. His Punjab teammate Jagvijay Pratap Singh Sekhon won the silver medal.