The Indian shooting contingent added seven more medals to their kitty, five among them Gold, here on Day 3 of the 13th Asian Shooting Championship at Kuwait City. This takes India’s overall medal tally from the competition to 21. The summary of India’s medal-winning results on Day 3 is as follows:
10M Air Pistol Youth Men
Shainki Nagar of India won Gold with a finals score of 197. Samarjit Singh of India won the Bronze shooting 174.1 in the finals. The two combined with Mohit Gour to also win the Team Gold in the event shooting a combined total of 1690 to beat the Korean team which shot a total of 1677 while Thailand team won the Bronze shooting 1629.
10M Air Pistol Men Junior
Sumedh Kumar bagged his 3rd medal of the competition winning Bronze
He also won the Team Gold in the event combining with Hemendra Kushwaha and Achal Pratap Grewal to shoot a total score of 1706.
50M Rifle Prone Men Junior
Swapnil Kusale struck Gold in the event shooting a finals score of 185.4. The Silver was won by Qatar’s Mohammad Saad Almubarak of Qatar and the Bronze by Ce Wang of China. India also won the Team Gold in the event when Swapnil Kusale, Ishan Goel and Akhil Sheoran shot a combined total of 1839.4 to beat the teams from Korea and China who won Silver and Bronze respectively.