The All India G V Mavlankar Shooting Championship came to a closure on Friday, 15th November, 2013. The championship featured participation in two categories- Rifle and Pistol.
On the final day of the All India G V Mavlankar Shooting Championship, shooter Harjot Singh from Chandigarh created a new record by winning three gold medals.
This was the 23rd edition of All India G V Mavlankar Shooting Championship. It was organized from 6th November to 15th November, 2013 in West Bengal under the patronage of the National Rifle Association of India. This championship is conducted by Asansol Rifle Club, an affiliate of West Bengal Rifle.
Harjot Singh was successful in winning his third Gold medal on Friday. He participated in the 25 metre standard pistol junior men’s individual event with 265 points.
Earlier, Harjot Singh bagged two gold medals in the 25 metre sport pistol junior men’s individual with 265 points and 25 meter center fire pistol in junior men’s individual with 261 points.
In 50 metre men’s individual small bore free rifle prone, Kalyan Banerjee from West Bengal won the gold medal with 501 points.
Bengal led the medal board with the maximum medals followed by a convincing performance from Chandigarh and Assam.