An international shooter, who represented India across various competitions has alleged that her coach spiked a drink and eventually raped her last month. A police complaint has been registered under IPC section 376 (rape) and 328 (Causing hurt with the use of poison) at the Chanakyapuri Police station. A former international level medallist, she had begun training under her new coach around a year back, at the Karni Shooting range in the outskirts of Delhi
A source close to the Indian shooting fraternity stated that they had got close and entered a relationship six months back. The coach began frequenting her house in Chanakyapuri. After initiating their relationship, the coach had allegedly promised to marry the shooter, but kept delaying the prospect. The shooter’s family members were also against the proposition of marriage, at this stage of her career.
The coach himself has represented India in multiple Asian Games, Commonwealth Games and World Cups. However, his phone was switched off, when Sportskeeda tried to contact him.
In the police complaint accessed by Sportskeeda, the victim stated that the incident took place on November 12, when she invited the coach for a birthday party. Our source added, “Once the party was over, the coach allegedly spiked the victim’s drink before allegedly raping her multiple times. Upon regaining consciousness, she confronted the coach, who again delayed the situation by promising marriage to her. However, he has been out of contact since that particular incident.”
A medical examination conducted in a government hospital confirmed that rape did take place during the given time period. The police station have forwarded her request to a local NGO for counselling. A Police Officer from the station said, “We have just begun investigating the matter, and we will leave no stone unturned in finding the truth. Till then we cannot disclose any details as it is a matter of great sensitivity.”
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