India clinched their first medal at the ongoing Asian Shooting Championships in Kuwait after Jitu Rai sealed the silver medal in the 50m Pistol event on Tuesday. The 28-year-old finished with a tally of 189.5 in the final, behind Daehun park of Korea who won the gold with a tally of 199.2.
The 2014 Commonwealth Games and Asian Games gold medalist clinched the bronze medal behind Gurpreet Singh in the Men’s 10m Air Pistol event at the Asian Airgun Championships in New Delhi in September and in the same month finished 5th at the ISSF World Cup Finals in Munich in the same category.
The ongoing championships were stripped off their status to provide quotas to shooters for Rio 2016 but it is hoped that despite that decision, Indian shooters, aspiring to book a spot at the Olympics don't lose motivation and bring back medals to the country.