India's shooting contingent will not compete in the running target events at the 2022 Asian Games in China, revealed a national shooting coach. Even at the 2018 Jakarta Asian Games, India’s shooting team did not compete in running target events.
The tentative shooting schedule for the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games released earlier this week, which states that the competition will be organized in 33 events, including 16 in the men’s category.
Apart from routine rifles, pistols and shotgun events, the Hangzhou Asian Games will see shooters compete in running target events.
While there are four running target events in the men’s category, two running target events will feature in the women’s group at the 2022 Asian Games.
“Since focus is only on Olympic disciplines, the Indian team generally don’t compete in running target events at the Asian Games. The running target competition is not organized at the Olympic Games. Thus, many countries don’t compete in the running target events at the Asian Games,” said the national shooting coach.
The tentative shooting competition at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou is from September 14 to 22.
According to the national shooting coach, running target competition is not organized during the World Cups and other major international events. That is why it is not popular in India.
“Running target events are not popular in India as there are no facilities. Indian shooters mainly concentrate on shooting discipline that feature in the Olympic Games,” said the coach.
At the 2018 Jakarta Asian Games, the Indian contingent won nine medals, two of which were gold in rifle, pistol and shotgun events. India also won four silver and three bronze medals.
While Rahi Sarbobat clinched gold in the women's 25m pistol, Saurabh Chaudhary won the men's 10m air pistol title.
India finished third overall behind South Korea and China in shooting. Asian sporting giant China topped the medal tally in shooting, winning as many as 15 medals, eight of them gold.
Shooting events at the 2022 Asian Games
Men (16 events): 50m rifle 3 positions, 10m air rifle, 25m rapid fire pistol, 10m air pistol, 10m running target, 10m running target mixed event, 50m rifle 3 positions team, 10m air rifle team, 25m rapid fire pistol team, 10m air pistol team, 10m running target team event, 10m running target mixed team event. Shotgun: trap, skeet, trap team, skeet team.
Women (14 events): 50m rifle 3 positions, 10m air rifle, 25m pistol, 10m air pistol, 10m running target, 50m rifle 3 positions team, 10m air rifle team, 25m pistol team, 10m air pistol team, 10m running target team event. Shotgun: trap, skeet, trap team and skeet team.