The fifth day of the sixth National Shooting Trials at Dr. Karni Singh Range, Tughlakabad, witnessed the amazing comeback of Manu Bhaker. The 21-year-old had a disappointing result in T5 trials when she could not register a podium finish. Even today, she had a slow start to the event, however, the Indian Olympian made up for the loss by winning the Women's 25m Pistol T6 Final.
Manu Bhakar's ideal day began with a 591 score to top the qualifications. The veteran Olympian Rahi Sarnobat finished second with a score of 573 in the qualifications.
Notably, Rahi Sarnobat had a setback with her health for a while, and it is taking her time to get back into the groove. Despite all that, the veteran impressed everyone in the final. She had a neck-to-neck contest against the eventual winner Manu Bhaker.
Rahi Sarnobat was able to put past her qualifications score and provide a tough fight for Manu Bhakar. Maharashtra's Abhidnya Ashok Patil ended the trials at third with a score of 32.
Shriyanka Sadangi and Goldie Gurjar shine on Day 5
Shriyanka Sadangi and Goldie Gurjar were the other two stand-out performers on Day Five of the National Selection Trials.
Odisha's Shriyanka Sadangi topped the Women's 10m Air Rifle T6 competition. Shriyanka, who finished fourth in the qualification, defeated the qualification topped Ramita Jindal by 0.8 points. Notably, Shriyanka managed only 632.1 in the qualification. In the final, Shriyanka had an excellent start and managed to capitalize on the same to defeat the T5 winner in a close fight.
Another notable performance of the day came from Goldie Gujjar in the Men's 3P T5 competition. After topping the qualification with 586, Goldie Gujjar defeated Surya Pratap Singh by 0.8 points to top the trial. Goldie finished with 454.5 in the final, while Surya Pratap Singh shot 453.7.
In the junior trials, Simranpreet Kaur Brar's amazing run continued as she won the Women's 25m pistol. In the Men's 3P T5, Sartaj Tiwana gathered the top spot while Aneesha Sharma of Jammu and Kashmir won the Women's 10m Air Rifle Junior T6.