Indian shooter Sarabjot Singh celebrated his 22nd birthday in Hangzhou, China, on the sidelines of the Asian Games 2023 on Saturday, September 30. The pair of Sarabjot Singh and Divya Thadigol secured a silver medal in the 10m Air Pistol mixed team event, loosing 14-16 in the gold medal match to the Chinese duo of Zhang Bowen and Jiang Ranxin.
Despite the result of the final match, the players and support staff of both teams gathered in the backroom to sing the Happy Birthday song for the young Indian shooter.
The official twitter handle of Team India shared a video where the shooters and their support staff shared a light moment amid the Asian Games contest.
Watch the video here:-
Sarabjot Singh gave a great start to India with two 9-plus shots to lead 4-0 in the first two rounds. India was leading at 11-7 at the end of the ninth round before the Chinese pair accounted for a 2-0 margin for three straight rounds to snatch the heavy lead.
The Indians leveled the scores at 13-13 after the 13th round with both sides sharing the game in the following round. The Chinese pair amassed 21 points to beat India by 0.4 points in the 15th round and with an overall margin of 16-14.
India records best medal tally in shooting at Asian Games
Sarabjot Singh and Divya Thadigol's silver medal in the 10m Air Pistol mixed team was the country's 19th medal in shooting at the Asian Games. The medals in shooting include six golds, eight silvers, and five bronzes so far.
On Friday, India added two more golds and three silvers to better its performance from the 14 medals achieved at the 2006 Asian Games in Doha. Overall, India has bagged 34 medals, including eight golds, 13 silvers and 13 bronze medals.