Newly selected Indian Sports Minister Vijay Goel has found himself in a spot of bother with the Rio Olympics 2016 Organisers over bringing unaccredited members to the venues. The continental organisers also alleged that his entourage would go to the `extent` of pushing the volunteers, if refused.
Continental Manager Sarah Peterson said she has officially filed a complaint with India`s Chef de Mission Rakesh Gupta about the issue. She said, "there have been multiple reports from volunteers that your Sports Minister is entering the accreditated areas with individuals who don't have permission.
“On being questioned, members of the entourage behave rudely and at times even push the volunteers away. This had occurred once in the shooting venue in Deodoro and then again in the archery venue in Sambodromo."
The organising committee also stated that the Minister and his entourage were aware of the complaints, yet they continued with their behaviour. She added, " this was not the first time we warned him, at the gymnastics venue, he again did the same bringing in as many as 4 unaccredited members, with the entourage asking the volunteers to 'keep quiet'.
“It's unfortunate that I have to say this but, if this kind of behaviour persists we will have to cancel his accreditation and take away all Olympic facilities provided to him. I entrust you to pass this message on."
Vijay Goel has refuted these claims stating that he was issued an all access card, which allowed him to go anywhere. He said, " I had an all access card issued to me by the organisers, hence I went wherever I had too. I was not aware that there were restrictions. My entourage didn't have any scuffle with the organisers."
An anonymous member of the Minister's entourage disagreed with the organisers as well. He said, "I have been to every even with the Minister and we had no fight there, It's most probably a communication problem and a misunderstanding."
Goel, who replaced Sarbananda Sonowal as sports minister has completed little over a month of his tenure. He is scheduled to be in Rio until August 21.