Rudrankksh Balasaheb Patil of Maharashtra, continued his good form in the ongoing Rifle/Pistol national trials at Thiruvananthapuram, claiming the T2 Men’s 10m Air Rifle competition, in the process reversing the result of the T1 trial held last week over the Indian Navy’s Kiran Ankush Jadhav.
Rudrankksh shot 252.4 in the eight-man final to put it over Kiran who shot 250.6 to finish second this time around.
Rudrankksh also surpassed the finals world record score en-route to winning the Youth trials with a finals score of 253.4. So did the junior winner Aishwary Pratap Singh Tomar of Madhya Pradesh, shooting a 253.0 in the junior T2 final.
Both these scores were higher than the current 252.8 being held by China’s Haonan Yu. It is to be noted that Kiran Jadhav had also surpassed the world record score while winning the Men’s T1 trial. He too had shot 253.4.