One of the more popular entrance themes was Edge’sTo say that WWE is a large universe would be a major understatement. Everybody’s favourite wrestling franchise has seen thousands of wrestlers grace its roster over the decades, and while some have carved a permanent niche for themselves in history, others have faded like footprints on the sand.One major factor that defines a wrestler on WWE, besides his ability to knock people about, is his entrance them. After all, his theme is part of his identity, which strikes fear into the hearts of his opponents while also giving us a glimpse of his personality. There has been many a memorable entrance theme in the WWE over the years, and we’re going to trace the five best, most underrated ones by looking at five forgotten entrance themes.
#1 Chris Masters (The Masterpiece)
A WWE Hall of Famer isn't a John Cena fan. More details HERE
I’m sure many of you will remember Masters’ time on the WWE. Although he never managed to win any silverware, he still had his fair share of notable moments like his unforgettable battles with John Cena as well as his idol Shawn Michaels. His down to earth demeanour won him respect from many of his peers including Randy Orton, Chavo Guerrero as well as numerous others.
His entrance theme ‘The Masterpiece’, a clever wordplay on his stage name, boasts of an inspiring melody as well as numerous glimpses of a Greek god that pays tribute to his marvellous body.
#2 The Dudley Boyz (Bombshell)
One of WWE’s most memorable duos – The Dudley Boyz had quite a memorable theme song. However it wasn’t always like that. The duo first made use of Saliva’s ‘Get The Tables’ as their song of choice before splitting up to go solo. It wouldn’t be long before they reunited again, and boy did they do it with a bang.
Their new song of choice in the form of “Bombshell” by Powerman 500 had all the right elements including a pulsating rhythm as well as superb lyrics. If Bombshell has slipped by you its time you revive its memory.
#3 Ezekiel Jackson (Domination)
Jackson had his fair share of the limelight in WWE, but unfortunately wasn’t as good as his peers. The Intercontinental Champion, currently with the Lucha Underground, had a superb entrance theme in the form of Domination, which comprised of an energetic beat and fantastic lyrics, but failed to do it enough justice.
The theme has since faded from memory which is a sheer pity as it would suit a more capable, daring wrestler perfectly.
#4 The Undertaker (You\'re gonna pay)
The Undertaker has had numerous theme songs over the years, which is why you probably won’t remember the one he used back in 2002-2003 titled ‘You’re Gonna Pay’. Before the lyrics were added, You’re Gonna Pay was an instrumental which was made more badass by the lyrics.
Of course the themes by Limp Bizkit and Kid Rock helped erase You’re Gonna Pay from many a fans memory, but it remains a great song nevertheless.
#5 Kaval (Exploding Helmet)
It’s a real shame that Kaval was release from his contract by the WWE due to the fact that he was hugely talented. One of the cool features of this entertaining wrestler was his theme song ‘Exploding Helmet’.
Unlike his peers, who had songs ranging from ear splitting heavy metal to rap songs, Kaval’s entrance theme comprised of superb guitar as well as a thumping bass which distinguished itself from others, and in many ways reflected on what type of wrestler Kaval was.