#3 Mike Adamle
Is this man the funniest man in wrestling?
In a perfect world, Adamle would top my list, but unfortunately, WWE has put us through some horrendous personalities as their on – screen authority figures, which places Adamle at number 3 in my list. Adamle had no personality, no charisma, and he didn’t do himself any favors by not even remembering the names of the superstars!
Some of Adamle’s mistakes have gone viral, like his mispronunciation of Jeff Hardy’s name as “Jeff Harvey”. Sadly, Adamle also served as a backstage interviewer and an announcer, but that didn’t give WWE any indication of his verbal prowess. Although he served as an authority figure for a few months, that was enough for the WWE fans and the management to turn on Adamle for his frequent mistakes, and he soon found his way out of the WWE.