8 unexpected goals that came from throw-ins

In the set-piece hierarchy of football, corners and free-kicks have always ruled the roost. Throw-ins, on the other hand, have never been regarded with the same threat when it comes to creating trouble for the defence. However, in this ever evolving world of modern football, people have even devised ways to make the most of these set-piece opportunities.From people firing them in like cannonballs to cricket's equivalent of the scoop shot i.e. flip-throws, footballer have turned the simple throw-in into another deadly from which they can seek out goalscoring opportunities.Here are some the of the best goals we have seen from throw-ins.

#1 Michael Del Lewis breaks the internet with a flip throw

Michael Del Lewis might not make it to the big leagues, but he will always have a special place in football folklore. The American high-school kid broke the internet at the beginning of the year when he scored from a throw-in which was nearly 30 yards away from the goal.

The lad from McKinney Boyd High School in Texas used his gymnastics skills to propel a missile-like throw straight at the goal. The goal, however, wouldn't have counted if the goalkeeper had decided against handling. But, what’s the fun in that.

#2 Staples High School - Bicycle kick

One of the beauties of the game of football is that the best moments of the game might not always occur while its taking place at the very highest level. Here is another instance where an unknown in the world created ripples across the globe by his execution.

Brendan Lesch reminded us of the same when in 2009, his bicycle kick made perfect contact with a Mikey Scott throw-in to score for Staples High School (Westport CT) off a scrimmage versus Wethersfield HS.


#3 Brazil Women\'s National Team

If you thought that flip-throws were only restricted to male footballers, you couldn’t have been more wrong. Just sit back, and let this women from Brazil take your breath away as they perfectly illustrate how to execute a set piece routine flip-throw combining the skills of football and the samba.

#4 Miquel Nelom

Whilst some goals from throw-ins are things to behold, some are more contentious. An example of such is this crucial one scored by Feyenoord against Standard Liege in October of last year en route to a 3-1 win over the Belgian side.

The opener was rather a dubious one as Miquel Nelom’s throw-in towards the edge of the six-yard box seemed to have missed a whole lot of players, only to bounce over the goalie's head as well, and go straight into the goal. While the goal was adjudged to have come of the head of Feyenoord's Sven van Beek, but replays clearly showed that the ball had directly gone into the net.

Better quality of the goal!

#5 Papiss Cisse vs Chelsea

The judgement may be out on whether the throw-in really mattered, but there are not many reasons to not include this gem of a strike from Papiss Cisse in our list. Whilst the throw-in was nothing sensational, the goal was nothing but.

Newcastle and especially Papiss Cisse rocked Stamford Bridge in the summer of 2012. The in-form magpies ran out 2-0 winner that night, thanks to a brace from their Senegalese hitman Papiss Cisse. The second of his goals would find its own niche in the “best ever goals” list. A simple chest down by Shola Ameobi from a Ryan Taylor throw-in set the ball up tastefully for the Newcastle number nine to have a lash at it on the volley.

The rest, as they say, “is history”. The ball seemed defiant of all of Newton’s, taking a wicked curl, only to dip at the right moment and speed and nestle at the top corner. The strike left Petr Cech was hapless and forty thousand odd inside the Bridge speechless.


#6 Peter Enckelman mishap vs Birmingham City, 2002

What’s a goal list without a goof-up in it. This one from a throw-in was rather a costly one.

Peter Enckelman was entrusted with the job between the posts at Vila Park by Graham Taylor after the departure of Peter Schmeichel. Only a few months into his new job, the Finnish international would commit one of the most well-remembered on-field goof ups ever in the Premier League.

In the intensely contested Midlands derby between cross-town rivals Aston Villa and Birmingham City, Olof Melberg took a quick defensive throw-in to Enckelman. The goal-keeper then committed a horrendous error as he took his eyes off the ball and let it slide underneath his feet. Whilst the goal would have been disallowed if it had not touched him, his arms slinging to the back of his head gave it all away.


#7 Ronaldinho\'s trick goal

One of the biggest advantages that you can have from a throw-in is that no player can be called for offside. Ronaldinho used the fact to his advantage in creating a superb goal during his days with Athletico Minero back in Brazil.


#8 Rory Delap

The list can’t possibly be completed without the master making an appearance now can it? Rory Delap mastered the art of the long and caused havoc inside opposition penalty boxes with the likes of Peter Crouch, Abdoulaye Faye, Ryan Shawcross and Robert Huth going up for the set-pieces.

The Englishman's skill of “winding” the box with his powerful throws caused such commotion that teams would rather settle for a free-kick rather than a throw-in. The Potters reached Europe a couple of seasons back and Delap’s throws were a large part of their success.

This is not a video of a goal. It’s rather a tribute to the art that is the “throw-in”.


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