#1 Why does a defender need to push and pull?

Our next set of exercises is called ‘Push and Pull’, and it is designed to help you do these two activities in a more effective manner.
As a defender, you need to do a lot of jostling for space (during set pieces), a lot of pushing to create space for yourself and a lot of pulling if the attacker has outrun you (try and be discreet about this).
Now, this requires a lot of upper body as well as lower body strength since these motions require your entire body to be strong enough to be the winner in such push/pull type of situations.
#2 The Push and Pull Workout

Remember to start with a 5 kg dumbbell in each hand, if you are a beginner.
Number of Exercises: 4
Time Duration: 20 minutes for the entire set
No. of Reps: Mentioned Ahead
#3 The Fast Dumbbell Press

Target Muscles: Core and Legs
The fast dumbbell press helps you generate a kind of explosive power, which when combined with speed and strength can help you get way ahead of the competition.
The basic steps to this exercise are:
Step 1: Stand with your legs slightly apart, hoist the dumbbell in each hand up to the shoulder level.
Step 2: After this, push your hands up and over your head. The final point would be where you would be standing normally but your hands would be straight up above your head.
Step 3: Bring your hands back down near your shoulders.
Your set ends after 10 reps, and you need to do a total of three sets.
Breathing: Inhale while going down, exhale hard while going up.
Levels: The next level would be where you are holding a heavier dumbbell in each hand while performing the repetitions.
#4 The Bend Over

Target Area: Back, Arms and Shoulders
The most basic exercise of the lot, this movement helps strengthen your back, arms and shoulders.
The basic steps of this exercise are:
Step 1: Hold two 5 kg dumbbells to the side of your body as shown in the image.
Step 2: Now bend down, keep your knees straight and bend your body at the waist. Bend as low as possible without bending your knees.
Step 3: Go back up to the initial position.
Your set ends after you have done five reps. You have to do at least three sets.
Breathing: Inhale while pulling yourself up and exhale while going down.
Level: Increase the speed with which you do each rep and hold heavier dumbbells.
#5 The Split Squat

Target Muscles: Quads, Hamstrings, Gluts, Knees etc.
Remember when you were punished in school and the teacher asked you to do a hundred squats while holding your ears? And remember that though your thighs, butt, calves and knees pained to the high heavens after this ordeal, they felt considerably stronger too?
A squat basically helps make your legs and lower back stronger, working simultaneously on your quads, hamstrings, butt and knees.
A basic squat is where your feet are place side by side but a split squad is slightly different.
A split squat has three different steps:
Step 1: Place your legs one ahead of the other as if walking; the distance between your feet can be about 2 to 2.5 feet.
Step 2: Try and concentrate your body weight on the leg that is ahead and then bend your other leg so that the knee touches the ground. The leg forward should also bend till your thigh is parallel to the ground.
All this while, remember to try and focus your body weight on the leg in front.
Step 3: Push back up to your initial position. Here, remember to interchange the leg in front with the leg behind after every five reps.
Your set ends after five reps for each leg, you need to do a total of three sets.
Breathing: Inhale while pushing up and exhale while going down. Remember to breathe deep and through your stomach; this helps tighten your core muscles and helps improve balance.
Levels: The next level would be where you start with a heavier dumbbell or kettle-bells in each hand. Subsequently, to increase difficulty you can keep increasing the weight.
#6 The Dumbbell Squat

Target Muscles: Core and Legs
The dumbbell squat also helps generate explosive power, similar to the fast dumbbell press.
The basic steps to this exercise are:
Step 1: Stand with your legs slightly apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand. Now, bring them up to your shoulder level.
Step 2: Bend your knees as if sitting down on a chair. Do not stop till your thighs are parallel to the floor. This would essentially mean that your butt would be in line with your knees. Your hands should be on your waist all this while.
Step 2: Thrust back up to a normal standing position.
Your set ends after 10 reps, and you need to do a total of three sets.
Breathing: Inhale while going down, exhale hard while going up.
Levels: The next level would be where you are holding a heavier dumbbell in each hand while performing the repetitions.