#1 The importance of core strength

While speed and quickness of movement are necessary, the strength that you have can determine the result of a one-on-one encounter with any player of the opposite team.
The core is the foundation that a goalkeeper’s strength is based on, and having a strong and stable one helps you prepare as well as fortify your body against injuries and any problems.
With a total of four exercises, this workout will give you a rock hard core to build your other capabilities upon.
#2 The Core Strength Workout

Number of Exercises: 4
Time Duration: 20 minutes for the entire set
No. of Rounds: 3
#3 The Sit Up

Target Muscles: Core, Abs and the entire abdominal region.
This is the exercise which starts off everyone towards a six pack. The sit up is a very basic exercise and helps you strengthen your entire abdominal region.
The basic steps to this exercise are:
Step 1: Lie down flat on your back. Place your feet flat on their soles about 10 to 15 centimetres apart; this would mean that your knees would be slightly bent.
Step 2: Push your body up so that the upper region i.e. your torso comes up. Keep your fingers interlocked behind your head to form a sort of a support for your neck.
Step 3: Pause for half a second and then lower your torso down back on the ground. Concentrate on keeping your abdominal muscles as tight as you can.
Step 4: Repeat the above 3 steps.
This exercise helps tighten your abdominal muscles as well as gives you a rock strong core. You need to do a total of 20 reps and three sets.
Breathing: Inhale while going up and exhale while going down.
Levels: To increase the level of this exercise try and hold the position for as long as possible.
#4 The Med Ball Smash

Target Muscles: Core, arms, back and shoulders.
Another basic exercise, this movement helps you work your core, arms and shoulders.
The basic steps to this exercise are:
Step 1: Take a med ball in both hands.
Step 2: Extend your arms high above your head and bring the ball down hard on the ground.
Step 3: The ball will then bounce back up; remember to catch it on the first bounce.
Step 4: Turn towards the other side and repeat this step.
Step 5: Repeat the above 3 steps.
You need to do a total of 20 such reps and three rounds.
Breathing: Inhale and exhale as deeply as possible, and try and keep your abdominal muscles as tense as possible.
Levels: To increase the level of this exercise try and hold the position for as long as possible.
#5 The Side Hop

Target Muscles: Jump Speed and Jumping Reaction
Another really simple exercise, this movement helps augment the speed with which you jump and improves your jumping speed too.
This exercise has two basic steps:
Step 1: Place an aerobic stepper beside you. Stand up straight, relax and take a few deep breaths. The stepper should be placed such that it is parallel to your feet.
Step 2: While in this sideways position, jump across the stepper. Keep jumping to and fro till the set ends.
Your set ends after you have done 20 Jumps in total i.e. 10 for each side, and you have to do a total of four sets.
Breathing: Inhale and exhale with the rhythm of the jump. Remember to breathe in and out through your nose.
Levels: To increase the difficulty, increase the reps in each set and the speed of each rep. Do this exercise faster, longer and harder for better results.
#6 The Low Stick Catch

Target Muscles: Overall reaction speed and hand eye coordination
This exercise helps you improve your overall hand eye coordination and is very simple to do.
This exercise has three basic steps:
Step 1: Hold a stick balanced on one of its ends on the ground in front of you.
Step 2: Now let the stick go and try and catch it as near to the ground as possible. The point is to not let the stick fall on the ground completely.
Step 3: Take the stick back up to its initial position and let it fall on the other side.
Your set ends after you have done 20 such catches in total i.e. 10 for each side, and you have to do a total of four sets.
Breathing: Inhale and exhale with the rhythm of the catch.
Levels: To increase the difficulty, increase the reps in each set and the speed of each rep. Do this exercise faster, longer and harder for better results.